Awake? Pt.1

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Toast opened his eyes, quickly taking everything around him. He began to struggle as the panic took control. He looked around frantically, looking deep into the shadows. He could hear something. Footsteps. The ropes around him were just loose enough that he could turn to the side. Toast flipped his head to the side, trying to get his hair out of his face. He could smell blood, which he figured was his since he had gotten pushed down the stairs. Toast relaxed a bit. I'm not going to get anywhere if I freak out... Toast thought. He sighed, blinking. Now that he was calm, he was able to see a very creepy figure walking around. He figured it was Jimmy. 

"J-Jimmy?" Toast questioned. 

"Yes?" Jimmy answered, stalking slowly out of the shadows. Toast was fairly confident that Jimmy didn't have a weapon. 

"Why?"Toast asked, trying to appear dauntless. Jimmy giggled. 

"Because I want to and I can." Jimmy told him, walking up to him. He rested his arm on Toast's shoulder. Toast shuttered. His touch was so cold, it was almost like he was already dead. Toast thought and thought, trying to come up with a way to  get out of this situation. He looked to the left. He noticed something crouched over on the staircase. Toast looked to see it was himself. He looked horrified. Suddenly out of nowhere Jimmy pulled out a knife. 

"W-Where did you get that?!" Toast exclaimed. 

"I found it earlier." Jimmy laughed, twirling it in his hand. 

"But I thought I gave it to Aimee..." Toast mumbled. 

"It's true, you did." Jimmy sighed. 

"How do you have it then?" Toast asked, a feeling of terror washing over him. 

"Oh you know... interrogation." Jimmy told him, shrugging. Toast felt so bad for Aimee. Who knows what Jimmy could have done to her. Out of nowhere Jimmy stabbed Toast in the chest. Blood spewed out of his mouth. Toast gasped in pain as blood ran down his chin. But then, Toast realized something. This wasn't real. He couldn't be in two places at once. If he was actually on the chair, then that's where he actually was. So who was that other version of him? Toast remembered that he had a dream earlier that week where HE was actually the one on the stairs, watching himself be killed. 

"This isn't real." Toast mumbled, looking down. 

"What did you say?" Jimmy asked, pulling the knife out of Toast's chest. Toast had a sudden feeling of rage. He clenched his fists.

"I said, this isn't real! You're not real!" Toast exclaimed, looking directly into Jimmy's eyes. He could see the surprise on Jimmy's face. Jimmy smiled, a hint of unease on his face. 

"Why do you say that?" Jimmy giggled nervously, running his knife along Toast's jaw. 

"Because I've been here before." Toast explained, looking at the knife. Jimmy's smile had completely faded. 

"No, you're lying." Jimmy growled, cutting his cheek. Toast watched as the other him that was on the stairs disappeared. Jimmy jumped as the ropes around Toast broke. Toast stood up. Jimmy began to back up. 

"Come here." Toast ordered. Jimmy refused, a look of complete fear on his face. He looked like a frightened child. 

"I'm not going to hurt you." Toast reassured him. Jimmy shook his head in disbelief. 

"N-No! Y-you're lying!" Jimmy exclaimed. His hands were shaking so much he dropped his knife, his eyes wide. 

"Why would I lie?" Toast asked. Did I trigger a flashback or something? Toast thought. 

"They always do! I don't see why you would be any different!" Jimmy told him. Suddenly, Toast could see a dim light around Jimmy as he began to cry. 

"What do you mean they always do?" Toast questioned, taking a step closer. Jimmy hissed. Toast continued to walk towards him until Jimmy couldn't back up anymore. Toast put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder. Suddenly Toast was seeing things. A pair of identical twins, a weird box creature, and a whole lot of blood. As soon as he pulled away the visions stopped. Jimmy was trying to get away, but now Toast had questions. 

"Jimmy." Toast began. Jimmy screeched in fear as he frantically tried to get away. Toast gripped his shoulders tight. 

"Jimmy! Listen to me!" Toast exclaimed, forcing Jimmy to hold still and look at him. He still had that same look of terrified look on his face. 

"What do you want?" Jimmy questioned, wiping the tears off of his cheeks. 

"I have quite a few questions for you, and I expect you to answer them." Toast told him. Jimmy shook his head. 

"No." Jimmy grunted. Toast noticed that he had been avoiding eye contact this whole time. 

"Why not?" Toast asked. He was now just a tad bit frustrated. Jimmy looked at him. 

"Because..." Jimmy mumbled.

"Because why?" 

"It's time for you to wake up."   

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