Distract the Ghost

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Ghost laid on the couch, feeling helpless as Jimmy taunted him. Jimmy was forcing his way out, wether Ghost liked it or not. He could feel Toast staring at him, but he decided not to say anything. Ghost clenched his fists, trying to ignore Jimmy as best he could. 


"Yes Sir?" Toast asked.

"Distract me." Ghost ordered as he continued to ignore Jimmy's taunts and insults. 

"How?" Toast questioned.

"I don't know, just do it." Ghost growled. Toast noticed Ghost sounded a bit distraught. 

"Alright." Toast agreed. Toast walked over to Ghost and sat down on the floor in front of him. Toast began to tell him that story he always tells him (you know, 16 elephants). It seemed to work, because by the end of the story Ghost seemed to be a little more relaxed. Toast noticed Ghost's leg was covered in blood. 

"What happened to your leg?" Toast asked. Ghost sighed.

"Jimmy." He mumbled. Toast shook his head, walking over to one of the cabinets. He returned with some medical supplies. 

"May I?" Toast questioned, motioning to Ghost's leg. Ghost nodded. Toast rolled up his sleeves, then Ghost's pant leg. Toast winced. He really does want to get out, doesn't he... Toast thought as he wiped the blood off of Ghost's leg. He noticed that the cuts seemed to be forming the letters JC. Toast was about finished when suddenly Ghost grunted in pain. Toast sighed as he finished. He rolled Ghost's pant leg back down, then standing up.  

"I'll be back Sir." Toast told him, walking up the stairs and into his bathroom. He figured it was probably not a good idea to be covered in blood while in front of Ghost. He washed off his hands. He turned to see his other self standing near the doorway.

"You know you have those letters on you as well, right?" His other self asked, pointing to his chest. Toast walked back over and moved his shirt, then looking in the mirror. He was right, JC was cut onto his chest as well. 

"It stands for Jimmy Casket, doesn't it." Toast mumbled, looking at his other self. He nodded. 

"Yep, now go back down there." He commanded. 

"Aren't you going to stop me?" Toast questioned. His other self shook his head, then disappearing. Toast sighed, opening the door. He walked back down the stairs. Toast slowly walked over to Ghost, making sure not to make any sudden movements. He could hear Ghost talking to Jimmy under his breath. He seemed angry. Very angry. 


"Yeah?" Ghost mumbled. Toast sat down in front of Ghost. Toast could tell many different things about Ghost just by his eyes. He was angry, there was not doubt about that, but he was also scared. Scared out of his mind, although he knew Ghost would never admit it. Suddenly, Ghost poked Toast's forehead.

"What was that for?" Toast asked, rubbing his forehead. 

"You seemed to be spacing out." Ghost told him, drawing his hand back close to his body. Toast grabbed Ghost's hand. Toast started playing with Ghost's skinny fingers, hoping it would distract him. It worked. Ghost watched as Toast messed around.

"What are you doing?" Ghost asked, picking his head up off the couch. Toast shrugged, flipping Ghost's hand over. Ghost sighed, resting his head back down on the arm rest. Toast noticed Ghost had rolled his eyes again. Jimmy's probably irritating him again... Toast thought. Toast looked at the small part of Ghost's arm that was exposed to see a few small scars. Toast jumped as Ghost suddenly whimpered. He could see the pain in Ghost's eyes. Toast sighed. What am I going to do with these two?  

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