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Katniss mother pov

Katniss is fast asleep. Gale is with her. But I can't get the feeling out of my head that something horrible is gonna happen next.

I knew there was something wrong as soon as I herd them come in the door that night. I herd Katniss start to cry. I herd gales voice rise with nerves and fear. I walked in when I thought that Katniss was in danger.

And there she was. Curled up in a ball sobbing in gales arms. I had no words. She looked so small and helpless. She looked so broken. Nothing like the girl who fought for her life and won the 74th hunger games. Not the warrior everyone idolized her for being. Then I saw gales face. That look. That look that he gets when something like this happends. That look he gets when the only person he truly loves with all his heart is in pain. The look he gets when Katniss is broken, when his best friend is broken, the love of his life is broken, and he can't do anything to help her. It was a mix of numbness, anxiety, and pure sadness. I hoped Katniss didn't look up at him. Don't look up Katniss you won't like this. You'll think it's your fault. Don't look....

Of course she looked up.

One look....

At that broken face.

At gales tear streaked cheeks.

At his puffy eyes.

His helpless expression....

And I already had the tranquilizer injection in my hand. I knew she was gonna do something...

And she did.

She ran full speed none stop into the wall, nearly knocking herself out. But she didn't stop there. She kept going. And going. And going and going.

Finally Gale a hold of her.

There was a brief moment of silent. Katniss looked into gales eyes. His arms right around her. He pleaded with her that it was okay. But...a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I did this to you..." She whispers.

She wriggles out of gales hold and slams into the wall one last time. This time blood pours out of her head. Gale screams out for her. He rushes over, crying and moaning her name.

We carry her into the kitchen. She's fully passed out by now. I tell Gale to calm down and that it's going to be ok. He can't. I understand. I know it's hard watching someone you love go through pain that you can't imagine.

After Katniss is bandaged up, Gale asks me if there is any possible way that we can do something to help her not feel this destroyed all the time. I could see in his eyes that he wanted her tone happy again, but loves her nomatter what.

I told him the sad truth. If Katniss wanted to heal, she would have to heal when she thought it was time. And it would take just that.

He said thank you.

He gently picked up Katniss in his arms and slowly walked to their room as to not wake her. I didn't have the heart to tell him that she was completely passed out, and even dropping her wouldn't wake her.

I get one last glimpse of gales face before he rounded the corner to their room. Sadness. Fear. Love. All on his face. He gently kissed her hair, and walked the rest of the way.


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