I felt myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

The next time I opened my eyes, I felt a slight headache, my nose was stuffy and my eyes felt heavy and puffy. I sniffled, sitting up from my position. As soon I was vertical, I realized I had fallen asleep on, Olivia's lap.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, rubbing my head and eyes, trying to rid them of the heaviness.

She offered a small smile, shaking her head. "It's fine, I didn't mind. Are you, okay, though?"

I nodded, not bothering to contemplate her question. I didn't want to seem even weaker than I already was.

"Do you still love him?" She asked, pushing her glasses on top of her head.

I nodded, feeling defeated in a way for not being able to say no when I knew I wanted to. "I don't think I'll ever stop," I admitted. "I'd never find someone I could love with the same intensity that I love him."

She cupped my cheek in her hand, rubbing my skin gently with her thumb, making me lean into her further. "All I know is that I have never seen you as happy in your entire life than when you were with, Harry. And from what, Liam has told me, he sees the same thing in him. Unless you don't feel safe, you should go back and try to work things out. Try talking to each other instead of yelling," she offered, the quiet kindness still laced in her voice.

I took a deep breath, taking in every word she was saying. Maybe she was right. Maybe our lack of communication was our main problem and if we tackled that, we could fix everything else. At least that's what I hoped. It was my last resort.

"I, um, need a shower," I commented, remembering the original reason I wanted to come here in the first place.

She nodded with a small chuckle. "You left a pair of clothes here during New Year's," she said, getting up from the couch.

I followed her as she made her way to her bedroom. I lingered at the doorway was she disappeared into her closet. "You can shower in here," she smiled, setting clothes and a pair of white converse I had forgotten all about. "Your bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a while, so," she shrugged.

"Thanks, Ollie," I offered a small smile of my own, hoping not to seem so rude.

"No problem," she smiled back, kissing the top of my head before she left me alone in her bedroom.

I took in her modest decoration, it sort of reminded me of how my room was set up when I lived here. Plain, white, minimal personality. The only personal touch this room had was a man's t-shirt hanging over the upholstered chair that belonged to the desk, Liam's, I presumed and a few picture frames. The one's on her desk were all too familiar. The larger one was of her and Victor when she was a little girl in a ballerina outfit, back when we both took ballet. Another held a picture of her with her two siblings when they were very little, before our parents got married. Off to the other side was two more frames. The first held a picture of her and Odie from a while back, judging by Odie's missing, front teeth. The last one that resided on her desk intrigued me the most. It was of both of us during my grandpa's birthday only a few months ago. Both of us had gotten dressed nicely and, not to sound conceded, but we looked good. It wasn't the pretty dresses or the professionally done hair and makeup, it was the smiles we were both wearing.

I picked up the frame, studying the picture a little closer. It was the day she had finally accepted to move out to London. For the first time in such a very long time, we were acting like actual sisters. Even if we weren't blood related, that didn't change things, no matter how hard I tried. I gently set it back down in its place before I turned to grab my clothes off the bed.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now