All I did know for sure was that if I didn't handle this now, he was going to continue to act this way and we were never going to get out of this slump. Sure, this wasn't the healthiest of relationships and the best thing for us both was probably to head our separate ways, or at least, as, Louis suggested, take a break. But, like I said last night, I was not strong enough to do something like that.

After a half an hour drive from, Louis' house to mine, I was finally at my front gate. I stood there for a good, solid ten minutes, just contemplating my next move. I knew I had to go inside, but the problem was, what to do once I did.

Without coming up with any sort of plan, I opened the gate and rode in, parking my bike next to, Harry's Range Rover. At least I knew he was home. I took a deep breath, removing my helmet and settling it on the seat as I grabbed my clothes from last night and purse.

Landon and Pete both greeted me, offering me a good morning, accompanied by a sympathetic look. How pathetic I must seem to them, to everyone, really. I insisted that I was fine and made them take the rest of the day off. I doubted, Harry, nor I were going anywhere and if we did, he was more than capable to drive himself and I could always take my bike.

It took them a little convincing, but they both eventually got into their own cars and headed out. I waited until both cars were out of the driveway and passed the gate before I finally opened the front door and let myself in.

The music I had left on last night was still playing. Harry probably came home and went straight to bed. He was probably still asleep, if he did go out drinking last night, which I knew was the most likely thing for him to do, he was definitely hungover and not going to get out of bed at this ungodly hour. Even I wondered what the hell I was doing up this early.

I set my clothes and purse on the small round table in the foyer, resting both hands on it as I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself, once more, for the terrible morning I knew I was going to be in for. I don't know how to explain it, but I had this bad feeling about today. It felt like all of this was about to go from shitty to worse. If that was even possible.

Just as I felt his presence, I heard his voice. "Good morning," Harry greeted.

I looked around me, startled by his slender, yet large figure sitting on the couch, his phone clutched between his hands.

My eyes stayed fixed on him for a long moment, my brain not able to comprehend what the hell was going on. Not only was, Harry home, but he was also awake, and speaking to me nonetheless. Things just started to feel even more off.

"What are you doing home?" I found myself asking, ignoring his greeting, the word, "home", feeling foreign.

"Where were you?" He ignored my question, answering with one of his own.

I scoffed, not believing the nerve he had to ask me that after he was the one who stood me up after he specifically told me he was going to change and he was going to show me with his actions and, God knows what other bull shit he spat. I made my way into the living room, turning off the music and removing the iPod from the dock.

"I asked you a question," his voice got louder.

The blood in my body boiled and I wanted nothing more than to turn around and slap him, but I contained myself. I turned around, surprised that he wasn't on the couch anymore, but on his way to me. "I don't have to answer you," I almost yelled.

"The hell you don't," he on the other hand didn't contain his need to yell.

His hands gripped my elbows, pulling me closer to him. I stayed still for a moment, not sure as to what was going on. It wasn't clear in my head, but I was pretty sure I should be feeling threatened right about now. Though I knew, Harry would never lay a finger on me, my instincts kicked in and I shoved him away, just in case I was wrong.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin