I was about to call it quits when I found the perfect dress, It was white, deep 'v' in the front, it gave the illusion of being a wrap dress, a gold, metal belt around the waist and I was sure it would only reach the middle of my thighs. If that. I quickly got dressed before I was able to talk myself out of it, accompanying it with a pair of black heels and a white purse with a gold chain. Hopefully everything matched appropriately. I didn't do much to my makeup, just reapplied it and used a darker shade of lipstick, it was almost purple.

I took one last look at myself in the full length mirror, satisfied with my exterior appearance I shut off all the lights before heading out.

It wasn't until I walked out of the house that I had realized I had given, Pete the day off. There was no point in him being here when I was staying home pretty much all day and had no plans to leaving. I was about to call a taxi, but I thought of a better idea. My motorcycles were in the garage, just sitting there, collecting dust. I hadn't used one since my accident, but they were ready to go, I had just given them all a tune up last week. Perfect timing, I guess.

I ran back inside, rushing upstairs, quickly changing into a pair of jeans, shirt,boots and jacket before grabbing my keys and running back down the stairs into the garage. My only issue now was finding one I wanted to use the most. I mean, I really wanted to use my new Harley I had gotten just before my accident, but I also felt like the others were very neglected.

After a bit of deliberation, I finally settled on my favorite. The Kawasaki Ninja I had gotten myself on my eighteenth birthday.

I pulled back the tarp,walking out of the garage before closing up and mounting the bike. I sped my way out of the damn driveway, not bothering to check if the gates had closed all the way. Once I was riding the bike, I felt something that I hadn't felt in a very long time. Freedom.

It was wonderful and electrifying. Maybe this is what, Harry felt when he was out getting drunk every night. If it was, I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to come home, even I felt like taking off and never coming back. I mean, there was no reason to do so. It wasn't like I had anyone to think about. I had no child to be responsible for, and I definitely had no boyfriend to come home to.

If I was being honest, it wasn't even a home. A house yes, but it was not home. Not anymore. Now, it was just a place I went to when I wasn't at the office, a place that I showered and kept my clothes in. I didn't even eat or sleep there. It was just a place I went to, to make myself even more miserable like the crazy masochistic person that I am.

It was the only place I knew, even if it was for a few minutes, that I would see, Harry. It was pathetic, but it was the truth. He was the only reason I stuck around. Though that reason had dwindled down to practically nothing after last night and now it was just a ghost.

Just as I was about to contemplate my relationship with, Harry any further, I realized I had come up to the club everyone was at. Since it was, as usual, one of, Johnny's clubs, I went around to the private parking area. I hesitantly handed my bike and keys over to the valet before following the familiar bouncer through the back entrance.

I looked around the club for any familiar face, luckily I quickly spotted a rambunctious Chris and Niall with a bunch of our friends in the VIP section. I made my way through the crowded dance floor, trying so hard to not let the drunk people I bumped into bother me.

"Sloan," Niall cheered as I got closer. The pet name he used was now just a sad reminder of my life now, I hated it. But, he didn't know that.

I said hi to everyone I knew, giving, Chris an early birthday hug before I headed over to, Samara who was now joined by her cheery boyfriend. We never told anyone, besides, Odie what we were planning on naming our baby.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora