I had to watch as other people were happy and enjoying life. I had to watch as the pregnant woman we passed by reveled selfishly in the joy their swollen belly's brought them. I had to watch as the mother's enjoyed their time with their beautiful children. I know it was petty, but I was jealous. I was jealous of what they had, knowing I would never have that.

Just as I was about to let myself drift off into sleep, there was a knock at my door. Before I could respond, it swung open, letting, Odie in. She made her way towards the mattress, climbing over it until she was laying right in front of me. Her hand went up my arm until her fingers interlocked with mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Are you, okay, sissy?" Her voice was uneven, but she still managed the words.

I nodded, giving her forehead a kiss. "Just tired and have a migraine," I repeated my excuse from earlier.

She placed a kiss on my hand before cradling it to her chest as she used her other hand to brush away my long bangs from my face. "Why did you pay mom, ten million dollars and why is she getting ready to sell the cabin?" I looked at her through knitted brows, not sure how the hell she knew this, I was about to question her, but then I remembered who she was. Of course she would end up figuring everything out. "Does it have to do with, Harry asking me if I'd like to move out here?" Her voice was so small, reminding me that she was just a little girl still.

I sighed, kissing her forehead. I was an idiot to think I could keep anything from her. Sure, I could just lie to her, but she would find out the truth eventually. Might as well be honest with her now. As I told her why I paid, Sarah the ten million, her face fell momentarily before she regained herself, not surprised that, Sarah would be capable of something like that.

"But, what does that mean for us?" She quivered. "Does that mean we won't be sisters anymore?" Her hand tightened on mine.

"No, no, no, no, sweetheart, no," I assured her, taking both of her hands in mine. "Nothing, not even some crazy money hungry old lady will ever take you away from me. You-"

"How much?" She looked at me with questioning eyes. Again, I thought about lying to her, but I saw no point.


"I was only worth five million to her, damn," she chuckled lightly, a little hurt.

I couldn't help the laugh that left me. "Billion," I corrected him.

"B-b-billion?" She stuttered. "Only five?" She quickly recovered.

"Well, I would have given her all of it, but you're all high maintenance, and I need money to support your spoiled ass."

Both of us let out quiet laughs, hugging each other. I told her what the plan was, regarding her moving in with me, which she felt a little weird about. It was understandable. She would be leaving the only home she ever knew and she would be leaving in the middle of the school year. Her hug was tight around me, almost like she was scared or upset. I held onto her for a few minutes until she assured me she was okay.

"Now, your turn," she said softly, wiping her tears.

I moved the hair that clung to her face. "Me?" I questioned, skeptically.

"Yes, you and Harold," her expression softened. "You don't think I noticed that my OTP is having issues?"


"One true pairing, sister," she huffs. "Would you please keep up with the times," she mocked.

"We're fine," I assured her, and myself for that matter.

"Come on," her tone turned a little more serious. "You both look like shit and your attitudes are no better."

"Gee tanks."

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now