"You're always starving," Samara scoffed.

"I'm a growing boy, Sam."

"Didn't you stop growing?" Olivia asked, skeptically.

Niall rolled his eyes playfully, walking over to the kitchen dramatically. "I liked her better when she was shy and quiet," he informed, no one in particular. "Liam, you have corrupted the poor thing, you horrible human being."

Liam just smiled widely, his eyes practically disappearing at the insinuation. Olivia just turned to a bright shade of red, looking down to avoid any eye contact. Liam walked over to her, wrapping her up in his arms and placing a kiss on her cheek after he whispered something into her ear, which made her smile.

I served the six of them first, since they were actually doing the hard work, before I served myself and joined them in the living room. I watched as they all fell into some weird conversation about something that happened while they were on tour. The story sounded familiar, but I wasn't paying attention. I was more focused on the sight in front of me. These people in front of me, weren't just our friends, they were family, my baby's family. It was something that I had thought about often, but there was something that always got to me when I saw them all together. Sure, Odie, Louis, Ed, Gemma and Johnny were missing, but everyone else was here.

"We should go on a holiday, lads," Liam spoke up to the small crowd. "I think we're due."

"We haven't even been on break that long," Niall sighed through bites of food.

Liam shrugged. "I think we should and the ladies can meet up with us later."

"I can't go," Harry announced, making every one turn to look at him. "I need to be with, Katarina on Friday's to take her pictures," he said with so much sincerity.

I rolled my eyes, throwing my napkin at him. "Missing one or two won't hurt, besides, I need a break from you." I mocked.

"If it means that much, we can leave on a Friday and they can join us on a Friday," Liam offered a compromise.

"What about, Louis?" Niall asked. "He has to come."

Liam called Louis, not caring what time it was in L.A.. Louis answered grumpily, waking up from a nap. Liam put him on speaker, allowing everyone to talk at once. The three of us girls sat back, letting the boys talk over each other, it was a miracle they understood each other, but they managed somehow. They agreed to go on a camping trip at a secluded cabin and we would all head out to Brazil together. Not the typical vacation, but it seemed like fun.

We spent the next few hours, planning out our trip, Chris called Eva, asking her if she wanted to join, but she declined. She was apparently busy filming so she couldn't just leave. Since he didn't want to be the only one without a date, he ended up calling, Ed, who happily agreed. Those two spent so much time together, you would think that they were in a relationship.

By five, they all decided to call it a day and head to their own homes. I thanked them all for helping, we could have easily hired someone to help us move, but I didn't want to. There was something about having strangers move things for you that peeved me. Though, there was nothing I could do about the piano, it was either that or let these crazy boys do it, which I was not going to allow.

As, Harry brought something down from the car, I went around our new home, looking at everything. It was large and almost empty. Even though we did bring the furniture from the apartment, it still wasn't enough to fill every room. It was going to take some time to get used to all of this, that was for sure. There was only one place in this entire house that I was completely in love with, the nursery. I went up the stairs as quickly as I could, getting tired about halfway.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora