"Maternity clothes, yes. Baby shopping, no." I said, firmly, not wanting a repeat of last time.

"Why not?' He whined like a small child.

"Last time you were at a baby store, you wanted to get our baby a stroller and a car seat and a high chair and basically the entire store," I reminded him.

"I got excited, it was my first time shopping for my own baby." He defended himself.

I shook my head, preferring not to comment on his antics. I thought they were excessive, but still cute. We got to the deserted doctor's office with five minutes to spare. The nurse greeted us, asking me the normal question's while she took down my weight and all that good stuff. Once she was done, we were left alone to wait for the doctor. I felt bad for making him come in so early just so no one would see us walking in and out of the building.

"A.J., Harry. Good morning," Dr. Stephens greeted us as he walked in with a large smile.

"Good morning," we both greeted in unison.

"How is our young little friend today?"

I gave him all the information he asked for before, Harry busted out with his journal, giving him detailed information about crazy things I didn't even know he was keeping track of, asking if it was normal. I looked at him like he had finally gone off the rails, but the Doctor seemed to be at perfect ease with the entire situation. He even went as far as encouraging Harry to keep up with his diligent note taking. That bastard, I mean, no, I meant bastard.

"Harry, like I said over the phone yesterday, she is allowed to exercise." He arched an eyebrow. "In fact, I encourage it, just take it easy," he looked at me with a small smile. "I wrote down a few exercises that are good for you," he mentioned, handing me a piece of paper.

I took the paper, reading it over while the two men continued discussing who knows what. Harry was crazy and I was pretty sure the doctor just went along with him so he wouldn't flip out. I should have been concerned about the fact that he had been calling the doctor behind my back, but like most things where, Harry and the baby was concerned, I found it sort of cute and endearing. We continued the appointment. The doctor did everything he had to, taking an ultrasound of the little creature. He or she was so much bigger than the last time we had seen him or her a few weeks ago.

"Do you want to know the sex of the baby?" Dr. Stephens asked, making us both tense up. We looked at one another for a moment before we both nodded our heads. He moved the wand over my stomach a few times before finally settling on an image. "Looks like you're having a little... girl."

Harry and I both squeezed each other's hands, taking in the new information. The little baby we were having was going to be a little girl, a little baby girl. Images of a green eyed, curly haired baby girl flashed in my mind, much like I had imagined when I first accepted the fact that I wanted her. I looked back at Harry, his eyes were filled with tears, but the smile on his face was unmistakable. He leaned down, kissing my forehead, lingering there for a moment.

The two of us stayed there, mesmerized by the images on the monitor. Dr. Stephens explained everything that was going on in the grainy picture, pointing out the little features on the baby. He printed out the images before handing them over to us. It was crazy to see an actual face, or at least the silhouette of a face.

Once our little tear fest was over, I folded them up, handing them to Harry to put in my purse while I got ready again. We listened to the Doctor's instructions, Harry taking notes while he did. Everything seemed to be in order and our baby was perfectly healthy. That's all we could really ask for.

The moment we were alone in the parking garage, the both of us held each other, jumping around like two idiots. My feet lifted off the ground, my body twirling around in, Harry's arms.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now