Before I could answer, or even properly wrap my head around what he just said. I pair of shuffling slipper clad feet and boots walking across the floor, entered the kitchen.

"Who wants to see who?" Katarina asked, nervously sitting down next to Niall who had returned to his seat with a water bottle. She looked nervous, but she was trying to keep herself calm and collected. Whatever she and Samara were talking about was clearly important, she didn't even make Katarina change out of her sweats and sweatshirt. Well, they were my clothes, but she looked great in them, even if they did hide her curves.

"Oh, one of our old friends, just wants to catch up," Niall quickly covered, taking a large gulp of water to avoid answering any questions.

"Sounds like fun," she smiled genuinely. "It would be great now that you guys have some time off, you have time to catch up with all your friends."

I shrugged, continuing to chop things and cook the meat and pasta. She offered to help, but I declined. Not only did I refuse because I wanted her to relax, but it also gave me a chance to drift off into thought without anyone thinking it was anything else other than me getting lost in my cooking.

I wondered why Amanda wanted to see me. The last time I had seen her, the both of us made it very clear that neither of us wanted to see each other anymore. Me because I couldn't deal with what she had done and her because I refused to forgive her.

Before Katarina, I thought I had fallen in love with a girl named Amanda who used to be Lou's assistant before Lottie. It was just an infatuation really, that and a lot of sex. Mostly sex now that I think about it. She was there and available whenever I wanted. I didn't treat her horribly, not at all, but I think that's what attracted me to her, easy and available sex. Little did I know that I wasn't the only one she made herself available for. After a pregnancy scare, her extra curricular activities were revealed. What bothered me the most was not that she cheated, it was that she told me that the baby was mine, when she knew it wasn't.

Not that I wanted a baby at that stage of my life, or with her for that matter. I was nineteen and in the midst of the biggest tour and moment of my life. But, I had gotten infatuated with the idea of having a little me. Regardless of my age or career, or the person, the baby was at no fault and I would have loved it unconditionally. When she ripped that idea from me, it was too much for me to handle. She stayed on as Lou's assistant for a while, until the tour ended and her contract expired. But, after that, she decided to leave and that's how Lottie got the job.

Now that I have met Katarina, I am glad things ended up that way. Had anything changed in the slightest, I may not have ever met her and be the happiest I have ever been. Sure we fought a lot, but we were still finding our footing. Besides, making up afterwards was the best part. Even if there was no sex involved. It was just being with her and being allowed to hold her that would suffice me.

"Harry, babe, what do you think?" I looked over at Katarina who was talking to me now.

"About what?" What were they even talking about?

She rolled her eyes knowing I hadn't been paying attention, but it wasn't an angry roll just an "of course" roll. "Sammy is having a New Year's party at the house, do you want to go?"

"Yeah, of course," I smiled at her. I would have to ask her later if she really wanted to go, or if she prefered we did something else.

Dinner eventually came and went, both Samara and Katarina were immersed in some conversation about the weather, which I found weird at first until I realized it was some type of code between them. Niall and I dove into our own little conversation about my birthday plans, which didn't end up anywhere and when the guys and I should get together. It was pretty naive of us to think we could go longer than a month without seeing each other. Yes, we all had families and some of us girlfriends and led separate lives outside of the band, but we were still with each other for way too long not to miss each other so quickly. Samara made a snide comment about us inviting Zayn, which I noticed was a dig at Niall over some conversation they had had on their own time. They both glared at each other, but quickly got over it once the subject was changed. It was still a touchy subject for us to talk about with others outside of us four, so I wondered what that was about. I was about to ask and be a little nosey, but Katarina must have caught on to my intentions 'cause she shook her head, giving me a warning glare of her own.

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