He proceeded with the rest of the appointment, doing an ultrasound and everything else he needed to. I kept my eyes off the screen, careful not to look. That went out the window when I heard both Samara and Chris gasp, I looked up at Chris who was the one facing me. His eyes were wide and a giant smile was pressed on his face.

Don't look, I scolded myself. Don't look.

"I want an abortion," I basically shouted before I could change my mind.

Dr. Stephens had already concluded his exams and was writing in the folder. He looked up at me, confused to my sudden outburst. "I can refer you, if that's what you'd like, we can have it done by the end of the day."

I nodded faster than I had ever nodded in my life, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill out and the giant ball that was forming in my throat. He asked me a series of questions that he insisted were required by law, which I, happily, answered, quickly. It was supposed to take up to a week to go through the purpose, but he made sure to speed up the process as a favor to Max. Again, I felt the guilt from using him like that, but the sooner this happened the better.

I wasn't prepared to be a mother and Harry wasn't prepare to be a father. He may have been able to handle fatherhood, but I couldn't. No matter how much I had tried over this past week to wrap my head around it, motherhood just wasn't for me. I could barely love Harry, loving for another human being that would depend on me for everything the rest of its life, I just couldn't do that. I would make a horrible mother, just like Sarah. No other small person should go through what I did with her. It would damage them, just like me.

Samara's POV

I stared at the grainy ultrasound pictures of the little person growing inside my best friend, my little sister. It didn't even look like a human being, it was just a little blob inside a bubble. My future nephew or niece was nothing more than a itty bitty little blob. Well, that is if I can convince her not to have an abortion.

Chris and I were currently sitting in a different waiting room while A.J. spoke with a third doctor. Apparently, you need two different doctors to confirm the pregnancy and how many weeks she was before they could legally give her the abortion. I don't know, I really wasn't paying attention to that part.

A few more minutes of me keeping Chris calm passed when A.J. finally came out. Her face had fallen even more than it was before she went in, and she was pale. Too pale.

"Let's go," she spoke ever so quietly, passing up the both of us as she walked out of the office.

I grabbed our things, shuffling past Chris, who was thankfully giving her the space she was asking for. He had a nasty habit of pestering her when he wanted to get her to do something, which only pushed her further to do the opposite. Our mission was to change her mind, without her actually knowing we were changing her mind.

"Where to now?" Chris asked from the driver's seat. I had given up on being the day's driver and sat in the back seat with A.J.. I knew she wanted to be alone, but she also needed to know that she wasn't alone in this, in any of it.

"We should go out for breakfast," I tried to say as casually as possible

Just as the car stopped at a light, without any warning whatsoever, A.J. bolted out of the car. Chris and I stared at each other for a moment, not knowing what to do. "Well go after her, damn it," he yelled at me.

I didn't have time to defend myself. I jumped out of the car, running in the direction I had seen her go. She can't say I don't love her, I'm running after her. In heels. I. Am. Running. For her and her baby.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now