Before I could say anything, Katarina was back, the older woman nowhere in sight. She gave me a knowing look, letting me know that she would explain later. Her genuine smile was replaced by a fake one the moment she laid eyes on her family.

"Where's my abuelo?" She asked, no one in particular. I knew that meant grandfather. I didn't know much, but if they spoke slow enough, I could catch a few words here and there.

"Factory," Alex answered her first.

"You should go freshen up before he gets here," her grandmother added.

Katarina rolled her eyes, about to say something when the front door opened loudly behind us, an older man walking through them. He was a tall, tanned skin, slightly darker than Katarina's and she looked nothing like him.

He shouted a few words that sounded like "princess" and "girl"? I wasn't sure, but it must have been pet names or something that brought Katarina great joy from the smile that had taken over permanently. She left me, practically running to him. The way they hugged each other warmed my heart. I loved when I saw her interact with others in this capacity, instead of the cruel and hurtful way her mother treated her. 

Once their animated chat came to an end, Katarina pulled the older man further into the massive home to the sitting room we were gathered in.

"Abuelito, my boyfriend, Harry Styles. Harry this is my other grandpa, Esteban Rivera," she said joyfully, she was acting like a little girl just as she had when she introduced me to Alicia.

"Nice to meet you sir," I mentioned politely, shaking his hand.

"Likewise," His accent was a lot heavier than the rest of his family's. "I hope you're treating my granddaughter properly," his grip tighten around my hand.

I nodded, unlike Max, he seemed like he was genuinely concerned for his granddaughter's welfare. I tried not to let him intimidate me, but it was hard. It was easy to tell by the way his family treated him that he was a well liked and respected man. It was also evident in the way he carried himself that he was to be respected. He didn't directly demand it, but the way acted and how humble he was demanded it for him. That was another contrast from Max who was full of himself and knew he had money and power and wasn't afraid to show it. I suppose this is what Katarina inherited from him, it could have been from her father based on how he had raised her in her early years, but I would bet money that Esteban also had a great impact on her as well. 

We sat on the couches in the sitting room, making small chit chat. Maria Elena made a comment about the flower I had picked for Katarina, but she just held onto it closer to her like a small child that was afraid of her favorite toy was going to be taken away. I was about to apologize, but Esteban interjected on our behalf, insisting that that's what flowers were for, to give to beautiful girls. Alex also seemed to be one of the more friendlier members of this family, I wasn't sure about his dad, Lorenzo though. He made a few snarky comments, but for the most part he was quiet and very observant.

Sarah and Maria Elena on the other hand were not very stealthy as they shared a few words in Spanish, most likely about me, judging by the glances they were shooting in my direction. I decided to ignore them for now, I didn't want to get angry with anyone on our first night here. That would be a little counter productive, especially since I had decided to have a fucking meltdown on our way here.

It wasn't just the dream I had that put me in a funk. It was also my whole encounter with Max. I hadn't figured it out until we were sitting in the plane writing notes back and forth to each other. He had gotten under my skin so bad and I hadn't even realized it. His words gnawed at my brain since the night of the gala, he knew exactly how to get to me. I had tried to put the whole NDA past us and get along as best I could with him, but he kept throwing the fact that I was just an in the meantime boyfriend to Katarina, that eventually she would wake up and marry someone who was worth her time. I wish he would have said it in front of her instead of waiting until she had disappeared. I couldn't put the blame solely on him, I had a choice in the matter, and I chose wrong. That was clear. I had acted like a total jackass and I made her believe like it was her fault. Like she was the one who was doing something wrong.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang