Ch. 36 - moving in & rogues

Start from the beginning

"You know I love you right?" Chase said lovingly.

"Yes. And you know I love you too?" I asked.

"Of course." He smirked.

We both jerked our heads to the love seat when we heard someone clearing their throat.

"Alpha, some of our patrol men have seen a couple rogues crossing the boundaries." A tall man with red hair said from the doorway.

"How many is a couple?" Chase asked.

"4." The man answered.

"Tell Hunter, Damon, and Matt to be outside in 3o seconds." Chase said to the man. The man shot out of the room to alert the guys about Chase's commands.

"I'll be back in about an hour. Go ahead and eat dinner without me. I promise i'll make it up to you though." He said, getting off the couch and kissing my forehead.

"Don't worry about it. It's out of your jurisdiction." I smile weakly.

"I. Promise. I'll. Make. It. Up." He said slowly before running out side to meet with the guys.

I sat up once I heard the front door close. I walked into the kitchen where I heard some moving around. I found Lauren and Cheyenne in there. Lauren was moving around to stove while Cheyenne was at the bar.

"Hey guys." I sighed, slipping into the seat next to Cheyenne.

"Hello lovely." Lauren smirked.

"What are you doing?" i asked.

"Baking for the festival tomorrow." Cheyenne answered.

"What festival?" I asked curiously.

"Okay, Chase didn't tell you. Every year, we have a festival to finish out the end of summer. We do it about a week before school starts." She estimated.

I had completely forgot that school starts back up in a week! This summer had gone by so fast. But honestly, I don't mind going back to school. I haven't seen most of my friends since school got over and frankly, I miss them!

"The festival's going to have food, games, rides, you name it! And, there's going to be a couple neighboring packs there as well." Lauren continued.

"Sounds fun. It would be even better if YOU, let ME, lick THAT bowl." I smiled, pointing to the bowl that still contained left over brownie mix.

"Sorry. I promised this bowl to Hunter, this one to Cheyenne, this one to Matt, and this one to myself." She said, pointing to all the different bowls around the room.

"But I'm going to be making strawberry fudge in a bit and you can lick that bowl." she half smiled.

"Fine." I faked sadness, while on the inside I was giddily jumping up and down.

Once Lauren, Cheyenne, and I finished baking; we decided to make Mac 'n cheese for dinner. We finished eating and I decided to stay down stairs and wash dishes while they went upstairs to bed.

As I rinsed off the last bowl, I felt two warm arm wrap around my lower abdomen.

"I'm sorry it took longer than I though." Chase apologize into my ear.

"2 hours longer." I corrected him.

"I know and I'm really really sorry." He said, kissing my neck between every word.

"It fine. You don't have to apologize." I said flatly, as I dried off the bowl and placed it in the cabinet.

"Yes I do. Because you're mad." He said as I left the kitchen and started up the stairs.

"I'm not mad." I responded.

I wasn't mad. I was upset that he didn't call me and tell me he was going to be late. I might not be a werewolf so I don't understand this stuff, but I do understand how I was worried about my mate being in danger for 3 hours.

"You are mad. And I know because you won't turn around and talk to me." He said as we passed the second floor. I spun around quickly.

"I'm not mad. But I was worried." I snapped.

"Can we talk about this?" He asked as I started up the stairs again.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said, passing the 3rd floor. We continued walking up the stairs until we reached our floor.

I walked into the too and grabbed a black tank top and a pair of Chase's white basketball shorts that came below my knees.

I changed and laid on the bed as I flipped on Pretty Little Liars. Chase climbed on the bed and sad on my shins.

"Move." I said in a tired tone.

"No. Not until you say you forgive me." He said.

"There's nothing to forgive." I said numbly.

"Forgive me and say you're not mad at me!" He raised his voice.

"1, I told you I'm not mad. 2, don't raise your voice at me." I said through closed eyes and clenched teeth.

"Look at me." He said, gripping onto my chin firmly. "You don't want to piss off an Alpha.'' He demanded.

I snapped my eyes open and stared into his blue eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm sorry for not calling you. I'm sorry. I love you and I don't want you to be upset with me." He said, kissing my forehead.

"I love you too." I said, kissing his lips. He smiled against my lips and deepened the kiss.

He sat there like that for about 10 seconds when I pulled away with a confused look on my face.

"So when were you going to tell me about the festival?" I asked. He looked confused for a second before he looked like a kid being caught with hi hand in the cookie jar.

"I WAS going to tell you tonight. But I see someone else beat me to it. And before you try to get out of it, you HAVE to go." He smirked down at me.

"I want to go." I answered, laying back onto my pillow.

"And you have to stay with me." He continued.

"Okay." I responded.

"And you have to meet the other Alpha's and Luna's." he finished.

"Alright. That it?" I smiled. I do t know why, but I was very excited for this festival.

"Yeah." He said after a second Of thinking.

"Okay. I'm going to sleep. I'm tired." I yawned. Chase pecked my lips and got off me.

"Goodnight, love." Chase said, turning off the TV and pulling me into his chest. And that's how I fell asleep; snuggled against Chase's chest.

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