Goodbye Letters (Its The End)

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Dear Readers,
My life is amazing. I'm twenty four today. Kayden is nine and smarter than all of the fourth graders. Being a mother of three kids is hard. The TM is going great though and I have the help of over five hundred kids. Erick and I's weeding was amazing like I had imagined. Kaylen is stubborn and is a very bubbly six year old. I like it sometimes but a timed at hate it and just want her to go to sleep. And my new baby girl Katelin is only a year old and is most definitely a daddy's girl. Luckily they look alike. But other than my family getting bigger everything is going perfectly fine.
Your Friends,
Nya and Erick
PS. someone needs to get my wife s me chocolate or something cause she has been hell. Just saying.

PSS. Excuse my husband. He doesn't have manners. Someone should tell him to stop teaching our kids how to shoot a gun and teach them how to cook for there lovely mother.

PSSS. Erick again. But y'all don't have to do what Nya siad. She just does the most all the time. I love my wife and it's okay because I got her a box of chocolates yestereday night. Thanks again and I hope you guys learn some stuff from us and the author.

PS. Thanks again. Its my Nya again. But I'm going to leave so my husband can hold me in his arms. Bye;-)

Dear Readers,
Sorry it's been awhile. I barley was in The Big Mistake because I was busy with my new kid. Lizabeth is the bomb diggidy. I can't curse anymore I don't want to have my baby speak to me like that. Oh good news! I'm pregnant again and it's going to be a boy. I know I need to start putting a condom on my man. But I haven't seen Aaron in two months. He's in rehab fixing himself for the kids. The suck part is that I can't see him. But other than that I'm making good money and now trying to graduate. Hopefully I can. Hope for the best.
Thy Teen Parents,
Carly and Aaron.

PS. Hey its Aaron. Just know that I do try to put on condoms but we have to go quick cause Lizabeth likes to scream and shout when daddy wants to get some. I barley got some when I visited last week. Which Carly forgot to mention.

PSS. Hey it's Carly. Sorry I forgot to mention that. Plus they don't want to hear our business when we are in the room. And also when are you coming home? I miss you!

PSSS Carly babe I come home in lime two weeks. Hopefully for good behaviour. But I think I'm doing.good cause I have not been thinking about any type of drugs. Not even cigarettes.

PS. Ooooh! Baby I'm So proud of you. I can't wait to see you. Ugh! I hate not seein you. I love, love, love you.

PSS. I love you too. And also the readers. You gave the author confidence to keep writing and to finish our story. It didn't end good but we have a picture of the first baby on our dresser. We will see her soon. Thanks bye. From the both of us. Bye:-)

Dear Readers,
Oh Its us. Yay our turn. Sorry if it's sloppy I'm trying to feed Sam at the same time. Sam is my new baby that I just had three months ago. A lot is happening since Danny is graduating college tomorrow. It happened fast because he was dedicated. Belle missed us since we left and moved to Florida so she moved down here. She's both of my kids Godmother. I'm proud decision. I'm still trying to keep up with work, school and my kids. But it is still working and I'm proud. Thanks to y'all for reading my story I was a very long book with Nya who is very nice in person and aslo my new bestie Carlys story. Well I have to go cause Sam is.getting fussy. Bye:~\
From Your Best,
Liza and Danny

PS. I know I'm in class right now. But just know That I'm proud to say that I am the father of Sam and Rayna as well as the future husband of Liza.

PSS. Hi, it's Belle. Life in Florida is amazing. Oh and also just know that I'm the girl who is helping Liza with the kids. And she told me that I should tell y'all myself...I'm pregnant!

PS. Sorry. Guys. Its Liza and I did tell her self. I think it'd wonderful but she hates it. I guess she will come to her sciences soon. Lets hope for the best.

PS. Hey ******, Can we have a sequels? Cause I know it would be a lot but I want them to hear the rest of my story.

PSS. Nya! This is not your letter. This is mine as in Lisa's. Get out of here. But I totally agree with her.

PS. Wow dang. Sassy I just forgot to add that in mine.

PS. Guys! Calm down. We need t let the readers go on with there day.

PS. Shut up Danny! Now...Come home Rayna has been screaming your name for the past five minutes and she just broke the second vase today.

PS. On my way babe.

PSS. K thanks. To all of you guys. Thank you. I hope you liked my story the best I think it was the most entertained and yeah. I'm bomb. Bye.

Dear Readers,
I know I'm weird for this whole entire chapter but it was more fun than I thought and I couldn't stop. Its also like 3 in the morning and I need to sleep. I hope you guys had fun reading this and all of the books you have read that was mine. I have a lot of fun writing it.
Your Author,
PS. I will not be making a sequels, sorry. But if you didn't notice each book had I don't really have the right word so I'll say meaning. Like so Just Another Teen Pregnancy deals with just the hormones and changed teen pregnancy brings. Pregnant By The Bad Boy brings up more of the risks. Lastly, The Big Mistake brings out more of the Lost of family and friends, but also the making of new family and fronds. Just saying. So bye and I'll see upload new books next year! 2016 is on the way!

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