The Big Mistake (Chapter 16)

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One Month Later

"Danny!" I cried out once again. Rayna has been crying for an hour straight. I can't shut her up and its hurting my feelings. My baby girl hates me, for whatever reason. I kept up a balanced diet, I ate the food I usually didn't eat and I exercise as much as I could. Now she's here and I can barely keep her asleep for longer than thirty minutes, she doesn't latch on and she hates when I put her down. I knew it was going to be hard but not this hard.

"What?" He walked into the room and laughed. He then picked up Rayna, she stopped crying and looked up at him, watching him as he lifted pacifier from the bed and placed it between her small brown lips. She began to suck on it, and stretched just a little before closing her eyes. Danny kissed her forehead and lifted her on his chest, holding her neck for support as she slept on his chest and he walked side to side.

"Ugh!" I scream walking out of the room. Danny laughed and followed me to the kitchen, placing my beautiful baby in the small black rocker. I just stared at her as the pacifier fell from her mouth and her mouth fell slightly open.

After a month of living with Dad and trying to get used to being parents, I was able to do things on my own. I was able to get up and down the stairs by myself, and keep myself calm in times of stress. Dad decided, I should get used to it and bought us an apartment.He signed the paperwork and he is paying half of the pills, Danny has been helping him with it, as he works down the street part time at the factory. I am homeschooling, trying to focus on baby Rayna and Danny considering he goes to school and works. He was pretty hard for week one, but now we are on week two and it feels like we are getting used to it. The only issue is that Rayna does not like me at all.

"Why are you mad?" Danny questioned as he sat down on the couch beside me and sat down his glass of ice sitting on the wooden table next to him. 

I shook my head and laid my leg on his lap. "She doesn't like me." I whispered. He handed her to me then wrapped his strong arms around my body, kissing the side of my head.

"See." He whispered. She started up at me and smiled. I smiled at her and laughed.

"Your so mean." I whispered. She smiled again and I just shook my head.

"My mom said she will take Rayna tonight so we can have us time." Danny told me. I rubbed Rayna's soft cheeks and nodded.

"That's good." I replied. Rayna closed her eyes for a minute then stared to cry. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

She took my milk quickly and I sighed. Danny got up and walked into the kitchen. My eyes followed him. Sometimes I feel really bad that I might have ruined Danny's life. Its not like I said be the dad or leave. But he might feel like he has too. I really don't want him to feel that way.

"Liza." He said from the kitchen.

"Yeah." I replied looking down at Rayna. She was making the little sucking sounds.

"What's this?" He questioned taking out the piece of paper.

I patted the seat beside me. He sat down and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Its a thank you." I whispered, "Open it. I was waiting for your birthday tomorrow. But I'm too excited."

He ripped the envelope open and read what was on it.

"No. No Liza. That's not good for Rayna." He protested. He went from under me and stood up shaking his head.

"You don't have a choice." I smiled up at him. "I bought the plane tickets and apartment. I have a job and we leave after graduation."

He smiled and got on his knees. I kissed me softly and smiled against my lips.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Its your dream." I replied. I kissed him again and he jumped up and down like a teenager getting her first phone.

"I'm going to Atlanta!" He's shouted. I laughed and he did a victory dance.

Laughing I stood up and put Rayna in her chair. She laid to the side and I gave Danny a kiss on the lips.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Love you." He replied. I kissed him again them walked upstairs.

I packed Rayna a bag and  picked out an outfit for today.

"Liza! Did you pump?" Danny called out.

"Yeah!" I answered.

"Okay." He replied. I laughed and grabbed the car seat. I ran down the steps happy I can do that again.

I put my clothes on and then got Rayna ready. She slept through the whole thing. It wants until I sat down to eat did she want me to hold her. I sat down my sandwich and fixed her diaper. After that I finished my food.

I put Rayna in the car and turned to the drivers seat were Danny was.

"I'll talk to you when you get home." I told him going on my tippy toes to give him a kiss.

"Okay. Love you." He replied.

"Love you. Love you Rayna. See you when ever grandma gets tired of you."

I gave Danny another kiss then got in my car. He honked his horn and drove out of the drive way. I smiled and drove out. Today I have an appointment to get checked for my woman business. Make sure I'm healing well or all healed up.

"Good Morning, Liza." My doctor said to me as she entered to the room.

"Morning." I replied laying back.

"How's Ryana?" She questioned.

"She's fantastic." I smiled up at her. I popped my legs ups and she examined me.

"You are all healed and good to go." She said standing up and throwing away her rubber blue gloves.

I put my legs down and got dressed. She wrote down somethings on a paper.

"Hey. So it's my boyfriend birthday tomorrow and I was wondering if I can."  I hinted.

"Have sex?" She laughed. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. You can just wrap it up this time."

I rolled my eyes and she laughed. My doctor and I had grown a special bond. She can make me laugh really quick from my bad mood. Especially since I've been down because Ryana doesn't like me. She said that she does like me. But I don't believe it.

"Bye." I said grabbing my bag and phone.

"Bye." She replied. I left and got in my car. Starting it up and moving out of the parking lot.

I got home minutes later and decided to clean. It didn't take long since Danny does the cleaning, and he's good at it. I took a quick shower then put on a bra and underwear, both black and laced.

I heard a car door shut so I quickly walk down the steps, took out my ponytail shook my head to let my hair fall down my back then opened the door. But my eyes widened.

I screamed and shut the door. I grabbed a robe and slowly opened it up.

"Hey Elziabeth." I spoke. She smiled at me then stepped forward.

"Hey. I see you expected Danny." She laughed. I nodded and then she sighed.

"I'll go. Just meet me at the park tomorrow. Bye." She quickly walked away and I slammed the door shut.

That was embarrassing.

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