The Big Mistake (Chapter 13)

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"She's cute and quiet." I heard a faint voice say as I slowly waking up. Maybe my sister, "She loves you." I heard the faint voice again as she laughed.

"I know." Danny's voice was clear as if he was right next to me as my vision cleared up I saw that my sister, Lisa was here.

"Lisa." I spoke sitting up. She smiled and hugged me tight. I told her over the phone after I told my dad that I was pregnant. She was very disappointed and hung up on me, which hurt my heart my soul.

"I'm sorry." She laughed hugging me tightly. I hugged back and glanced at Rayna who was happily laying in Danny's arms.

"Hey, Liza. How did you sleep?" Danny questioned standing up and handing my Rayna.

I made sure to keep her neck secure as she laid in my arms. I looked up to Danny who was smiling at Rayna. I grabbed his cheek lightly with my finger tips  and scanned his face. He looked at me and smiled brightly. Our lips touched, his mouth opened slightly and our tongued touched, and he licked the side of my cheek, his tongue warm against me.

"Wow. This is uncomfortable." Lisa said sitting down and laughing. We pulled away and I smiled.

"That was sexy." Danny whispered. I laughed as he sat down. I looked up to see Rayna's car seat, which was black and her baby bag was sitting on the counter.

"Where's dad?" I questioned rocking her back and forth.

"Went to get food with Elizabeth and Lenard." Lisa answered watching Rayna.

"Have you held her?" I asked glancing down at the little munchkin in my arms.

"Yeah. She doesn't like me. She started crying." Lisa rolled her eyes.

I chuckled and laid her down on the bed. She kicked her small feet a little bit, her arms stretching. That was my favorite part about baby's, the way that their body just kind of scrunches up. She looks so adorable when she does that.

"Look. Her eyes are open." I laughed looking into her dark eyes. They are so bright and shine in the sun, giving off a very light brown color, like Ryan's.

"Wow. She is very beautiful." Lisa said shaking her head as she looked down at Rayna and sat beside me on the bed pulling out to grab her hand.

"Yeah." Danny whispered looking into Lisa's eyes. Lisa smiled and it looked like she was blushing a bit which threw me off.

What the hell is happening?

I looked down at Rayna ignoring them as she began to kick her foot and start to cry. I picked her up as she screamed, her eyes squeezing shut.

"Maybe she's hungry." Lisa suggested. I nodded and pressed my nurses button, not knowing which would be best for me and my baby. 

She came in seconds later and smiled at me, "Morning." She said, "We gave her a bottle last night but you can breastfeed if you want."

"Which one do you think is better?" Danny questioned looking up. I rocked Rayna as I patted her back repeatedly slowly beginning to calm down.

"Well breastfeeding is better."  She replied nodding.

"Okay. I'll do breastfeeding." I answered. She nodded and undid my gown for me smiling as Lisa placed a pillow on my lap.

"Okay. So make sure you keep her head secure. Wait for her mouth to open, and she will latch on herself, and you will be able to feel it. When you feel it just hold her tight and she will do the rest." The nurse smiled at me as she watched Rayna try to latch. 

After two more tries she accomplished it and I smiled as I softly touched her cheeks. She drank my milk and looked up at and closed her eyes. I laughed when her little foot moved and it hit Danny in the face. There was a knock on the door and I heard it open slowly. Elizabeth, Dad, Lenard and Dan came in, but who was right behind him made my heart drop.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" I questioned covering Rayna. Ryan was in handcuffs and held by my dad with two police officers behind them.

"Guys, she's feeding Rayna." Danny said getting up, "Y'all got to get out."

"Oh. Okay. Boys you guys can leave. I got him." Dad replies looking back at the police officers. They didn't seem to sure, but respected his decision and slowly began to leave the room, making sure to close the door behind him.

"I just came to see her." Ryan spoke quietly.

"Shut up!" I shouted, "Just please."

Rayna let out a cough and started to cry. I took her from under the cover and laid her on my chest. She began to quiet down as I pat her back, letting out the loud sound and some vomit behind it. I grab a rag, smiling as I wiped my chest down then wiped down Rayna.

Clearing my throat I say, "Why is he here, Dad?"

"He wanted to see Rayna. That was his only wish." Dad replied. I glanced at Ryan and he was starring at Rayna.

"Wow." He spoke a tear escaping his eyes as he looked at her.

"Wait. This is him?" Lisa questioned. Slowly I nodded, "Wow. He's hot."

I glared at her, "Really?"

"Sorry." She whispered moving to sit on the couch next to Elizabeth. Dan smiled at me and sat on the chair Danny was previously sitting at.

"I'm sorry." Ryan said. I looked up from Dan who was looking at Rayna. Ryan nodded, "I didn't mean to get you pregnant. I swear."

"But you did. Did you put on a condom?" I questioned softly.

"We're going to go to the cafeteria. Let you guys talk." Dad announced leaving the room with everyone following close behind.

Danny kissed me on the lips and looked at Ryan, "Its okay." I whispered. He nodded and left the room. I looked at Ryan and he sat down on the chair next to my bed.

Now It was just me and Ryan. It felt weird to be in a room with him alone. Usually we would do what we needed, and either he would leave or I would. Its been so long seeing him, that I could not even say what I have been feeling since the moment I found out I was pregnant. I just looked around the room, focusing my eyes on a newspaper sitting beside Elizabeth's purse. It was saying how I was healthy, daughter of the mayor had a girl, and is expected to come home within the next three days.

"I want all custody of Rayna and I need you to sign the papers." I spoke quickly handing him the papers that was beneath my phone. 

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