The Big Mistake (Chapter 6)

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I looked at the ceiling and sighed. Looking to my left I see Danny, stretched out beside me and his eyes closed touch as his soft snores filled the silent hair. On the other side of me laid Elizabeth. Her soft brown curls were everywhere with her eyes closed tightly. She moved every five minutes but her hand was still in mine.

I couldn't sleep because I was scared of what tomorrow was going to bring. It will be my sixth month of pregnancy and we had two weeks off giving my belly time to grow. The school had a big problem and needed them out. Which sucked since I left school still able to hide my stomach and now I will be going in fat. I don't have a problem with being fat. It's the fact that I'm only fat because there's a little baby girl developing inside of me. This school year is going to be hard. I already know it.

I turned to my side and faced Elizabeth. All of our dad's were out on a business trip in California. Since none of us liked being home alone we slept at Danny's house. He has the biggest one out of all three if us. Not that it's like a mansion, but our houses are small. Danny usually sleeps with a teddy bear or hugs his pillow so I see why he got me mixed up with his pillow. His arms were wrapped around me and he pulled me into a warm hug. His soft breathing was kind of soothing and his breath fanning my skin made me feel better. His hands kind of sat on my belly and I could feel his hard chest against my back. His biceps touched my sides and boy were they huge, of course working out three hours a day really does good things for his body. But Elizabeth warmth around my hands helped me to fall back asleep.

The next morning I walked into class and sat down at my seat. After attendance we began working on the unfinished homework. I kept getting distracted by Danny because he kept goofing off and laughing at me because I would get so irritated.

"Stop it!" I screamed just above a whisper. He laughed and put his pen in his mouth.

"Or what?" He asked. I shook my head and looked at my paper. He poked me. He poked me again, and again, and again. Until finally I slammed my hand on the table making every one look back at me, including the teacher.

"Sorry." I whispered crunching my nose. Everyone looked away and I quietly giggled.

When class ended I stood up and took Danny's hand. We both walked out of the room and I walked him to his next class. He smiled before giving me a quick kiss on the lips and walking in. I stood there stunned. I can't believe those big juicy lips just touched my small thin ones. I mean they have already, it should not be that much of a surprise. No, it should. We only shared kisses in private, like that one time in his room and the other in the back of his jeep.

I stared in the classroom for a minute, watching as he talked to all of his guy friends that happened to be in the same class, they all gave each other bro hugs and laughed. I feel bad for that teacher. Danny with his friends, you just can't shut him up.

But back to that kiss. It was so warm and kind of surprising. I thought we were just going to hold hands like a "couple" but that was actually couple things. Like that freaking kiss. What the hell am I thinking about? It was a kiss Liza. A kiss and that's all. A friendly kiss on the lips. And what kind of friends kiss on the lips? Exactly!

I turns and looked down the empty hall. I didn't even hear the bell ring. Quickly I ran down the hall and stopped in front of the door. Taking a long breath as I waited for the door to open for me and slowly smiled when the handled turned.

"Liza, glad you cam make it. Why were you late this time?" My biology teacher, Mr. Chucks asked standing up to face me. He was pretty tall and toward over everyone, and many teachers.

"I'm pregnant remember." I chuckled. 

He smiled and pointed to my seat. I sat down next to my partner, Belle. I know it sucks. She hates me to the bone because I'm dating her "boyfriend" which isn't true. But she doesn't know that. Plus, she only fantasizes about him. He will never go out with a girl like that. Queen bee with stereotypical features. Long blonde hair, perfect teeth, bright blue icy eyes, short, tight clothing and tall legs as well as the biggest mouth.

I technically work alone because she feels the need to talk and text everyone in her contacts list, which is a lot. Sometimes I feel bad for her. She's failing this class and doesn't want to do anything about it. 

"Okay. Work with your lab partner and find anything and everything you can find in your new books." The teacher smiled as he sat down. I opened my book and pulled out my notebook.

"Why are you wearing that big jacket. Everyone already knows your pregnant. No point in hiding it." Belle spoke not looking up from her huge phone.

"I'm not hiding it. Just don't like seeing it." I replied pulling out a pencil and going to the first chapter if our books. It was only like the second month of the school year so everyone was still getting used to being in their classes.

"Why?" She asked. I looked over at her and this time she was actually looking at me. She asks a lot of questions.

"Because. Its scary. I'm not really ready for a baby right now. You wouldn't really understand." I sighed. She glanced at my hidden belly and back to my face.

"Are you sure?" She questioned. I don't really understand the question. I just said she wouldn't understand because she's not pregnant in high school. Its the twenty first century, yeah maybe the kids aren't the ones giving the weird look of disgust but it sure is the adults and they don't hide it. Yesterday night I went to the to the store, before going to Danny's in normal jean pants, ones I could fit and a tang top with a jacket. I caught about six people giving me a look of disgust and disappointment. I could be thirty with a baby face, but that did not stop them.

"What do you mean?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Carly Jenkins and I are pretty close. Plus. I help her with her new YouTube channel. Its actually becoming a website it's so popular." She laughed. She slowly came close and put her finger to her lips, "Shh...Don't tell anyone. Its a secret."

I just watched her. She is so weird.

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