Just Another Pregnant Teen (21)

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"I got you a job!" I screamed jumping up and down in excitement. I barely made it through the door before I screamed it out to her. Mom was helping the both of us out a lot and I was happy to actually give this girl help.

"Really!" Coraline screams her eyes now going wide as she got up and started jumping up and down with me.

I laugh and looked down at Aiden, "And Aiden pooped which means he is feeling better."

Erick laughs walking in behind me and closed the door. I giggle kissing him on the lips and turned as Aiden made his baby noises in his car seat. I walk to the room after Erick and slowly sat on the bed. He dropped the keys on his night stand then looked at me as I watched him a huge smile on my face.

"What?" He asks a laugh following.

I look down, "I had a talk with Mom. She cried." He stopped the process of him untying his tie and looked down at me giving me his full attention. I go on, "I told her I don't hate her for kicking me out. She gave me a home for me and my family."

He quickly grabbed my neck and kissed me deeply on the lips. I lift my hand on his chest and laughed once he pushed me back and moved closer, resting his body on my own. His lips moved down my neck and to my chest. I slowly sat up once he pulled away and laughed trying to catch his breath.

"That was hot." I whisper looking up at him, "Come here." I pat the bed and he slowly sat on the bed beside me, "How was work?"

"I missed you." He laughs and looked up at me. I smile and slowly climbed on his lap grabbing his cheeks. I peck his lips and smirked once I felt his hands on my butt, "You have to take Coraline shopping for her interview." I kiss him again and he smiled, "I love you."

"Love you too." I whisper and smiled once he kissed me again.

I quickly stood and walked out the room, closing the door behind me. I lift Aiden up and exhaled sitting on the couch. I lift my shirt and exhaled once he latched on and closed his eyes drinking down his warm milk. Coraline was watching the movie, and I smiled at her. She was sitting on the floor, one leg crossed over the other. She was rubbing her small belly and chewing on her cereal which was a cheerios. I giggle seeing she had a bowl of peanut butter beside her. I figured it was just the pregnancy cravings and exhaled once lifting my phone.

"Okay. You ready?" I ask Coraline looking up at as she turned to me then nodded, "Okay, I need to change. Can you change his diaper?"

She slowly nodded and laughed. I hand her Aiden then stood walking to the room. Erick was laying in the bed doing some of his homework. I quickly changed my clothes as he talked to me about his day at work. I then sat beside him while I lifted my hair into a nice ponytail. I turn to the dresser and looked up once he stops talking. He was just starring at me and a small nervous chuckle leaves my lips.

"I'm sorry." He laughs and shook his head, "You look good."

I walk towards him and smiled once he looked at me, "Baby, are you horny?"

He chuckled, "No."

I giggle, "Yes you are."

He smiled at me and shook his head, "Hurry home, Nya."

I kiss him, "I got you."

He laugh sliding his hand up my thigh. I giggle and looked at him. He has never looked at me like that so it was very nice to see. I almost wanted to climb in bed with him but I need to do this for Coraline and we can not do it tomorrow. I just walked out of the room and lifted Aiden. I giggle as Coraline stuffed her mouth with the rest of her food then placed it the sink. I quickly lifted the car seat then his diaper bag. We walked out of the apartment and I exhale once locking eyes with Stacey. I smile at her and looked down at Michelle who was walking and smiling while she played with her little stuffed llama.

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