Just Another Pregnant Teen (25)

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I don't know why my life worked out the way it did. One day I am crying in an empty apartment on the floor, wanting to end my life. The next I am sitting in a hospital room with a huge smile on my face ready to meet my baby. These past couple of months has been very hard. I opened a business, Erick and I moved into a house and now we were going to welcome another child into this world. I have the best finance in the whole world and I don't know what I would do without him. He stepped up and did what he had to do for the family, even if it meant taking Aiden to the TM and working sixteen hours when I really was not feeling good.

I love him and I am thankful to have him in my life. Even right now he is sleep, and had been up with me since one in the morning when my contractions started to really get bad. I was officially in labor and was just laid back looking at the photo album Mom began making. A huge smile spread against my face as I brushed my finger tips over the picture of Aiden when he was only a few hours old. He was such a small little baby and it warmed my heart to know how big and healthy he turned out to be. I did that mostly all by myself.

"Hey." Mom whispers to me and smiled as she sat down my bags and walked towards me giving me a kiss, "How do you feel?"

"I mean I was in a lot of pain, but I decided to get the epidural so now I am just too excited to even sleep." I explain then chuckled looking down at the back which she was starring at. She lifted her hand onto my face and giggled. "Erick had me cracking up." I whisper. We were at the old apartment, and Erick was starring at me a huge smile on his face while I was laid back laughing very hard.

"He always has you laughing." She whispers and giggled, "Hey, that seems like a very fun relationship. I am jealous."

I smiled and turned my head to face her, "I am glad your my mom."

"I am glad your my daughter."

I smiled and looked down. It felt like hours before I was able to push, and even then that felt like hours. I didn't feel much pain from all the medications they gave me, but I did feel a lot of pressure. The pressure was uncomfortable and I did not like it. The pressure made me realize that was my girl easing her way into this world. That thought kept a big wide smile on my face I stared down at my doctor following his instructions

"One more push." He instructed moving closer to me and smiled once I began to push once again in my tired state. Mom placed the rag on my sweaty forehead and smiled at me before looking down.

Tears exploded from her eyes and I squeezed my eyes shit, a loud scream escaping my mouth, "Get her out!"

I began to cry once looking down at the beautiful brown baby my doctor held up. He quickly placed my daughter on my chest and I lift my shaking hand on her cheek. The tears flowing down my cheeks as I took in all of her features. She was screaming so loudly which only made my smile wider finally able to hear that sound.

"You did amazing, Nya." My doctor cheered and smiled once I looked up at Erick who was starring at her in awe. I lift my hand onto his and smiled placing it on her skin watching her slowly began to calm down. I giggle as he kissed my head and smiled at me.

"She looks just like you." I whisper slowly to him and laughed as he nodded and looked at me. He kissed me deeply and I smiled watching him turn to our baby and kiss her lightly on the cheek. We laugh once she began to cry again.

Tears fell down my face as I looked at my new baby. She was so small and her nose was scrunched up as her mouth poked out. She had long eyelashes and a head full of curly brown hair. She was beautiful just like her brother, which made an even smile grow on my face. I know Aiden is going to be so happy when he can finally meet his sister.

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