The Big Mistake (Chapter 5)

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"There goes the super slut!" Belle screamed from down the hall. I turned around and looked at her a big smile forming on my face as she walked towards me, pushing anyone in her way to the side causing looks of irritation to fill in their eyes.

"Yes." I speak when she finally makes it to me.

"Just wanted to call you a super slut. Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be having a baby or something?" She lifted her phone and looked down at it.

I rolled my eyes, "That's not for five months."

"Your small to be five months." She said looking over at her nails.

"I know. Now will you excuse me I have to get to class." I turned around only for her hand to touch my shoulder. I really just want to punch this dummy in the face right now.

"I have to tell you now. I fucked your boyfriend while you were dating." She shrugged, "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes, "Skank."

With that I walked away and went to my classroom. It made me a little jealous and regrettable. I was getting sad, and maybe it was just the baby, but now we have slept with the same man, and there was no going back from it. I did not feel like talking to Danny, and he is sitting right there at his desk looking down at his notebook, tapping the red mechanical pencil on his desk has his head bounced up and down. We should have not slept with each other again, the first time was already to much.

"Hey babe." Danny approached bending down to kiss me, but I moved away.

I side eyed him and he sat down still starring.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you fucked Belle? That's probably why she's all over you."

"Why does it matter?" He questioned.

"When we are done I just want you to take me home." I whispered and turned to the teacher as the bell rang for class to start.

He shook his head and I began to pull my things out of the bag.  School went pretty easy from there. Every time I saw  Belle it just made me sad, but I pushed it away. I was just happy I wasn't sick to my stomach and my headaches calmed down when I drank water. My head began to hurt really bad when I got in the car with Danny. I ignored his voice, trying to remind myself that he can do whatever he wanted because we are not together.  I think what honestly made me mad, was the fact  that I was laid next to him after they smashed.

When I got home I slammed the door in Danny's face and dropped my bag on the floor. I opened the fridge and poured myself a glass of cold water. I slowly drank it down, loving the feeling of my chest cooling down and my headache settling.

"What the hell?" He asked coming dropping his bag on the counter.

"I'm a great actress aren't I?" I questioned smiling at him. His frown faded and he smiled at me as I forced another smile.

"That was fake." He sighed.

"Don't forget we are just fake dating. You can have fun. Just not to much fun. Your this babies father until after high school." I put my hand on my small belly and walked out of the kitchen. Danny walked into the living room and put his hand on my belly.

He smiled up at me. I slowly put my hand on top of his and rubbed my thumb against his knuckles. Then and there I felt my heart melt. I'm going to blame the hormones for this unfortunate feeling I have. Maybe I was making up lies in my head, saying it was because he decided to sleep with Belle than me. Maybe it was the hormones. Either way, I am feeling jealousy and this is something I can not force away.

Elizabeth cleared her throat, "Hello happy couple. I will just like to announce my presents before you start making out. Just came to pick up the best friend for baby appointment."

I got up and sat my water on the counter. I put on  jacket because it's getting cold outside and then I moved to the door. I got in the car as well as the other two and we were off. 

"Maybe we can find out the gender. Bow far along are you?" Elizabeth questioned looking through the windshield.

"I don't know. I've just been telling everyone I was around five months. Me and Ryan has been having sex for the past year." I explained rubbing my stomach. Once I realized what I was doing I stopped and placed my hand beneath my thigh. 

"Well I'm glad that's over." She replied.

"Me too." I agreed nodding. 

Once we pulled up to the doctors office we climbed out. I walked through the door and to the receptionist desk. After getting the information we waited for maybe an hour. I wasn't really nervous as much as I thought though. By time I was finished with the tests and laid out in the bed to see my baby it was around four. We left at three, it's been an hour.

"Okay Liza." He said rubbing the gray thing on my belly, "Here is your baby."

I smiled as I looked at the little baby in the front of me. It kind of looked like a baby and I was glad, it seemed healthy. Well I hope it is. This is the first time seeing the baby, and I would hate to get bad news on the first time. I wanted an happy healthy, taking all of my skills and leaving Ryan's out of it. Ryan was not really that awful, he was smart and he was caring for the most part. He was little bit of whore, at least before me. He was not bad looking, and he was very athletic and that I would love my baby to have.

"You are abut five months pregnant." The doctor said.

"Really? I don't even look pregnant." I replied giggling. 

"Sometimes people don't grow to be big while pregnant. It's okay. She's healthy." He replied.


"Oh Sorry. Did you want to know the gender?" He asked throwing his gloves away into the garbage can.

I rolled my eyes, hoping this was not my permanent doctor and smiled once he turned to me, "Its to late." 

"Its a girl." He smiled back at me, "I am sorry. Congrats. See you in two weeks."

He left the room and I started to dance. Elizabeth danced with me and we swayed together. I laughed as we left the room and I walked to the desk to try to make another appointment for two weeks. We all walked outside and i looked down at the pictures of my baby, smiling as I buckled my seat-belt.

"What do you want to name her, Liza?" Danny questioned sitting in the back and buckling his seat-belt and I glanced at him and smiled.

I thought about it than laughed, "Rayna!"

"Rayna that's adorable." Elizabeth responded driving down the street.

"Rayna Ray Jefferson." I looked at the sky with a smile on my face. This day has been fantastic.

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