Pregnant By The Bad Boy (Chapter 4)

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I pace through my bedroom, tapping the pregnancy stick on my hand. A sigh escapes my throat and I look out the window thinking about what I could possibly do to mess with this test. I have taken one already and it came out positive. I mean I am positive. My baby was already beginning to show herself. My belly was visible, poking out just enough to give off that round shape. Lucky for me my wardrobe consisted of oversized shirts and hoodies so no one by myself could see it. I needed more time to figure out what I can do, and how I will do it.

My phone rings and I turn to it, lifting it up to answer. A picture of a friend, Justine popped up with her name. I take a deep breath before speaking, "Hello."

"Hey, are you okay? The girls are getting a bit worried." She answers quickly and I look down trying to figure out what to say. 

"Just going through a lot right now. My mom is crazy and Dad is no where to be found. Well he came home today but who knows how long. Mom even got him to force me to take a pregnancy test. So stupid." I explain quickly and slowly sat on my bed turning to the box which sat beside me then the used pregnancy test beside it. 

"Did she find out about Aaron?" She questioned and I grow confused. How would she have found out about Aaron. Maybe Daniel because we were together for two years, and that actually would have made sense. If anything she found out about Daniel.

"I do not know and honestly I don't care I just hate the fact that they want me to take a pregnancy test every two weeks. It is very stupid and it would make more sense for them to just give me birth control." 

"Yeah." She cleared her throat, "Your Mom has never been the smartest. To be honest it sounds like she envies you. She always seems to talk your dad into doing something very weird. He sees use as his perfect little girl, only comes home because of you. I would assume if she had good enough reason like drugs or you getting pregnant she gets you pushed to the side and gets to follow him like a puppy dog." 

The tears formed in my eyes and I look down, "I have to go." I sniffed and looked up and to the photo of me and dad when I was eight on a camping trip with my class. I slowly whisper, "I should take this test before Dad starts yelling." 

I pull my phone from my ear and pressed the red button before she could respond. I sigh as I lift the test and walked to my bathroom. I peed, then dipped sat the test beside the cup. A thought ran through my head and I quickly lifted the test then placed it over the faucet. I let the cold liquids absorb and sat the test on the counter. I set the five minute timer before I walked out and began to pace around my room. I was very nervous on what may come up and was hoping it would be an actual sign and not anything else. 

My phone buzzes and I quickly check the test. A sigh of relief escapes my throat once reading the negative line. I quickly lift it and brought it to the kitchen. Dad was drinking a cup of coffee and sitting on the couch in the living room. I turn to him then set the test down in front of him watching as he sat his mug down then lifted the stick. He reads it then smiled looking at me frowning once seeing the obvious anger in my face. I shake my head then laughed before leaving and walking out of the room. 

As soon as I got to my room I sat on the bed and lifted my computer on my lap. I sit back and went to Google. I lift my phone and quickly called the number I keep oddly forgetting about. It went straight to voicemail which saddened me. I did as said and left a detailed message, letting them know of school and what I needed. I then ended the call and laid back rolling on my side. I was exhausted and just needed to sleep. 

My alarm woke me up at six like it did everyday. I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth, did my hair and got my lunch packed. When it was time for me to walk to the bus I left the house and quickly put in my earbuds. I sit back and exhaled opening my book waiting for the ride to end. 

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