Pregnant By The Bad Boy (Chapter 11)

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Three months later

I looked down as my eyes began to water and I felt disgusted with myself. Bags under my eyes, my hair was a mess and turning into dreads. I have been wearing the same pajamas everyday. Now this is happening.

"Carly! Please talk to me!" Aaron screamed from the other side of the bathroom door. Every single day he had been coming over my house trying to get my forgiveness.

One night I was feeling horrible ans high, I had sex with him. The next morning I told him to get out and I don't want to ever want to see him again. I've been alone in my new apartment for the past three month.

"Carly!" He screamed out to me again. I looked back at what was in my hands again.

I put my hand softly on my stomach. I looked up at myself in the mirror. I don't learn from my mistakes. Teen pregnancy has so many problems. Our bodies aren't ready for this. We're not ready for this. We haven't even found ourselves. We're kids having kids.

I know. There's that horrible wanting that you get. When you look at that couple next to your first period class that makes out and you want that. Like I did. I did whatever I could to get that. To feel what that girl felt when he called her pretty or just smiled at her.

I wanted it and got it. Letting him do whatever he wanted to me, with me. That's the things with us girls. We don't know. We may learn about it and sat no we will wait till marriage. But when he is kissing on you and tell you how beautiful you are and how he loves you, you forget about that knowledge.

But when you look down at that stick you wonder what happened. You wonder what you did wrong. How everyone is going to think about you. There Right there is what it is. What EVERYONE is going to THINK about YOU. Because you believe that's all what matters. What they think.

Pregnancy as a teen isn't the best choice. But you stand high and you show everyone Yes. I'm pregnant and yes I'm a teen. Yes I have sex but don't you. I might have messed up and ruined my life. But I WILL NOT ruin my babies because of how you feel.

You can call me selfish and a whore but you don't know my story. And that's why I am here. To tell you I'm listening. I'm here and I won't judge you. I know it was a mistake. Mistakes happen, yours just happened to make a life.

But When that baby is born looking into its beautiful eyes and holding it's tiny little body and touching it's soft skin, that will be my, yours, there's best mistake ever. Because you have made a human being. Do I condone teen pregnancy? No. But if it happens will I be upset and think, ew slut? No. Will I be there? Yes.

There may people will judge but they judge you anyways. Just know you need to stay strong for this new human you are bringing into the world. Like Carly Jenkins...

I looked into the camera that was now recording and sighed, "I'm Carly Jenkins, I'm 17 and I'm pregnant for the second time."

I had to give you guys that speech really quick and it worked well with the story. I will try to have the second book of my five book series done by next year. Which isn't far away since its like November. Anyways, just know that the whole chapter kind of cane from the heart. I'm not a teen mom. I don't know why I have the feeling. Anyways, I know the last chapter was crazy but not all stories are the best. Love you all. I have a million books on here for you to read. If you just like pregnancy There also some there. Thanks show your love please and thank you. Have a good rest of you day/Night.

Also will be Editing all books.

Other Pregnancy Books in Media
I have another one called, 19, pregnant and Engaged which is the sequels to Welcome home. You will get notified when that will be out. January 1st. Also I shall have book three out, The Big Mistake, out by that date as well.

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