Just Another Pregnant Teen (13)

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It is about seven in the morning an I am exhausted. I hadn 't heard Aiden in a while and was trying to take that as a time to sleep, but it seems like my body is not going to let me. I just got out of bed and went to the bathroom before walking towards the kitchen. Amy was in the kitchen, Aiden in one arm and a spatula in her right hand. She turned to me once I pulled out the chair to sit at the table.

"Look what you did Aiden. You made mommy sleepy." Amy says kissing him on the cheek then turned to the eggs. She quickly made me a plate of bacon, waffles and eggs then quickly handed it to me.

"Thanks." I say grabbing my fork and ate some of my buttery waffles. I melted as I chewed and laughed once Amy giggled. She handed me Aiden then grabbed a plate from the cabinet. I exhaled and kissed my boy before turning back to my food.

When we finished breakfast I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. I placed Aiden in the bouncer one of Mom's co-workers brought me and just laid back. Aiden was about two months old, and getting bigger and bigger everyday. He stays awake more during the day which I hate to be honest. He stays up all night and I have to get school work done during the day. It is very hard to concentrate when I am yawning every five seconds.

"We are being told that this hurricane could be so bad it can knock out electricity, and flood the roads. Yes, I know this might be a hard couple of days. I would suggest preparing to stay in your homes for at least two days."

"What does that even mean?" I asked setting my phone down on the couch.

"We need to make sure we have candles." Amy answers standing and walking towards the kitchen scanning it.

"Aiden is not going to like that." I  say poking my lips out and looked at him. He just started crying and kicking his feet. I immediately knew he was just hungry and giggled as I stood. I pick him up and kissed him, before laying him in my arms and prepped to feed him. "My precious baby." I smiled as I kissed his cheek then laid back

A knock is heard so Amy turned from the sink and went to answer the door. I smiled as Justin kissed Amy on the lips then walked towards me. He sat on the chair beside the window then looked down at Aiden who was drinking down his milk loudly. Justin also looked very tired, I did not give him Aiden last night like I usually do, letting him sleep till about three in the morning then gave Aiden to him till about nine in the morning. He usually brought Aiden down on the way to work. 

"You want to hold him?" I ask picking him up holding Aiden out for Justin to take. Justin just walked away from the kitchen where Amy was and bit into his cone. He gladly took him and laid him on his chest, patting his back so he would burp.

"Did you guys watch the news?" Justin asked looking up from a smiling Aiden.

"Yeah. I don't think it's going to happen. It will pass." Amy answered looking up from her phone.

"But we don't want to be like the people in the hurricane season. They was like. It will pass. It didn't pass." I laughed standing up to get an ice cream from the freezer and exhaled looking at Justin angrily seeing he took the last one.

"You sleep last night?" He asked biting into the cone. I still can't believe he's eating my ice cream cone. I really wanted that, I was literally thinking about it all night.

"No. He was up till four this morning. Now he wanna act tired." I say sitting back on the couch and exhaled as I watched Amy sit beside him and lay on the opposite side of Aiden. It made me jealous, even though Aiden wasn't their son, they looked like a happy family.

"Where's Stacey?" I ask sitting up and lifted my phone.

"She's upstairs. She didn't feel good." Justin answered. He is really petty for leaving her to take care of Michelle and be sick at the same time.

"And you just-Never mind. I will be right back I'm going to go check on her." I whisper standing to my feet then quickly put on shoes. 

"She might be sleep, but the doors aren't locked." Justin calls out and I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. Once I was ready I left the apartment then walked up to there's. I open the door slowly and walked towards the room. I knock once before opening her door then laughed at what I was looking at. 

Stacey didn't seem very sick but I could easily be wrong. I just did not know how to feel as she laid underneath some tall white man. He had tattoos up and down his body, with long curly brown hair and big bright brown eyes. I could only assume this was Michelle's father, considering a lot of his features resembled hers. It hurt, we were not official, no. We were intimate though, and even possibly working towards something serious. I guess we will never actually know. Now that my pregnancy was over and I did not have any emotions being hyped I responded in the best way I could.

"I came to check on you to make sure you were feeling better and wanted me to watch Michelle. But I guess you have that covered." I exhaled and smiled looking down as I turned to leave the apartment. She followed which honestly was not helping me to keep myself together.

"I'm sorry it's that-" I cut her off.

"No it's okay. We were hanging out and hormones were all over the place. I know. I have to go shopping. Aiden doesn't have a pacifier." say quickly then closed the door before walking downstairs. I open my door then slowly closed the door behind me looking down. My mind was just everyone and the anger finally spilled from my mouth as I screamed, "That bitch!"

"What? What happened?" Amy asks worry in her voice as she stood and followed me to my room. She closed the door behind her once I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Stacey was upstairs making out with some boy, but I thought we were dating. It's okay, right? I like boys I was just confused." I explain then turned to her from putting on jeans, "Right?"

"Calm down." She demands and I take in a deep breath.

"We candles, flashlights and some food. What if we do have to stay in for the next couple of days." I state walking around her then grabbed Aiden from Justin's arms smiling as I kissed him then walked to his car seat.

"No." Justin laughs and I stare at him. What the hell is his problem?

"Excuse me?" I question in disbelief. Who gave this man balls?

"Your not taking him with you. Not while your crying and mad. You need to fix this with Stacey. Talk it out, I am sure it just a misunderstanding whatever it is."

"You know while you two were getting freaky, Stacey was down here. With her tongue down my throat telling me how much she liked me. Now she is upstairs doing the same to some guy. So, no I don't need to talk to her. I need air, and with my son. He is coming with me and that is final."

"You don't have a car. How will you get there?" He asked like he has defeated me. I looked at Amy and she was looking at me with a questionable stare. Why is she even on her side.

"I will walk." I spit then laid Aiden down. They watched me as I grabbed his diaper bag then lifted his car seat, "When I get back I want both of you gone." Amy shook her head and I closed the door before walking down the hall.

I take a step outside and exhaled watching as the rain poured from the dark blue sky. The storm was already hitting us, which made a deep exhale escape my mouth. The store was right across the street, but I did not want to get Aiden sick out of my own confusion. With that I just sat on the bench beneath the shed and stared at the rain. Why did this day have to start this way?

*Chapter has been RE-READ & EDITED*

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