Just Another Pregnant Teen (14)

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I exhale as I stare down at Aiden and watched him sleep. The rain stopped after fifteen minutes of waiting, which gave me time to walk across the street. I came to notice a small little diner on the corner which is why I gravitated to that. Instead of walking it might be better for me to sit, maybe feed Aiden and feed myself. I already ordered my drink, food and an appetizer and was now just waiting. 

I lift Aiden and smiled as I scanned over the menu thinking about a possible dessert I could get. I look up once another waiter quickly approached me with a drink in his hand. I look at him, knowing that face. Justin was a pretty big distraction from all the boys in school, but I did notice the very attractive ones. Erick was in my second period, bio class. He was the one the teacher was always telling us to be like. His face would turn red, and for someone reason his eyes always went to me. They were big and brown, his hair curly and his skin dark. He was of Hispanic descent and super tall which I thought was so sexy. His glass which was boxed and gray sat on his small delicate little nose. 

"Sorry, your waitress had to leave. I am-" 

"Erick." I speak and smiled once he finally looked at me a huge smile forming on his face, "Hey. Long time no see."

"Yeah." He whispers and watched before laughing, "I will be out with your mozzarella sticks and chip and dip." 

I nod and he quickly walked away. It was a little weird to see someone from school. I obviously don't get out much, especially now that Aiden is here. Actually this is the first place I have been to other than the doctors office. The diner was very nice, pretty chill. The food looked okay, I was excited to try it. I went to for the safest thing which was a burger and fries. If you get those two things wrong, then I can only assume everything is even worse. 

Erick approached with my appetizers and I laughed as he smiled and quickly walked away. I just stared out the window as I ate and smiled as Aiden's snores filled my ears. He was on my shoulder, and I just rubbed his back as I chewed. I turn once my phone rings and rolled my eyes as Stacey's name popped up. I turned it off completely then fixed Aiden to lay in my arms. Erick walks up to me and I smiled as he pointed to the seat in front of me then sat down as I nodded my head. 

"You okay?" He asked quietly. 

"Yeah. Just out with my son." I whisper and pushed my food towards him a bit more, "Chillen." 

"Doesn't seem very chill." He whispers, "I mean but then again I guess we don't really know each other. Only what we see in school." 

"What do we see in school?" I laugh a bit confused.

He shrugged and sat up, "I guess spending an hour a day, five days a week gives me a little insight on people. When you are nervous you use your right hand to scratch your left knee, and when your in a bad mood, you always sit just about two inches away from your desk and you scribble at the top left hand corner of the paper." I chuckle and he smiled and looked down, "I find myself distracted during class." 

"By me?" I question lifting my hand on my chest and exhaled as I lifted Aiden and rubbed his back slowly, smiling once he woke up.

"Yeah." He whispers, "I guess I had a crush on you. Um." He took a deep breath and smiled looking up at me, "I should go check on your food." 

"Well if you haven't taken your brake yet, I will be here."  I speak up and slowly smiled as I watched him. He nodded then walked away. 

I sit back and just talked to my son. Before I knew it Erick was back with my food in his hand. He sat down a bowl of soup and a salad in front of me and smiled. I just watched as he sat in front of me and began eating his food. We were there for awhile. Erick was super funny, I could not stop laughing at him. For once I let go of all the stress of my home life and just had fun. He even filled me in on the drama at school. Erick knows everything, seems to have more connections than probably the principal. He even knows most of the teachers and staff drama that's happening which made me really wish I actually  talked to him. 

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