The Big Mistake (Chapter 4)

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After school, Danny took Elizabeth and I to my house. We were going to tell my dad what has  happened today at school. One thing I was not suppose to do was end up in jail or  get pregnant. He didn't care if I was experimenting sexually or with drugs, as long as I did it correctly and with people I trust, which only means Danny and Beth. Now, everyone knew the good girl, was a real fuck up. But I would look even worse, if they found out I was sleeping with another employee of my father.

"Okay. What do you have to talk about, Liza. Hey Elizabeth and Danny."

"Hey." They both replied happily.

"Dad, everyone found out I was pregnant." I answered. 

"How did they find out?" He questioned sitting beside me at the table after placing his case on the table. 

"Someone told the school. I don't know how. But we have a plan. Danny take it away." I told turned to Danny and looked away regret feeling my womb.

"Okay. Long story short, Elizabeth just found out a week ago. Me and Liza had been friends with benefits or secretly dating and the condom broke so she got pregnant. I will be the farther. And we can fake date."  Danny explained.

My dad sat silent. We watched as he slowly nodded. "We can't. Your parents, what are they going to say? Plus, do you know how that will make you look, and what about when the baby comes?"

"I'll tell them that they wanted grandchildren and now they have it." He smiled.

"Are you sure?" Dad questioned, "I mean, this can ruin your life, and you had nothing to do with, it could have just been a one night stand.

Danny nodded, "I love her anyways. I will do anything for my best friend. Even it means faking like I'm her baby's child. I want to do this."

"Lets take a walk." Dad said standing up and putting his hand on Danny's shoulder.

They left the house and I exhaled. Beth handed me a bag of grapes and I took a few before playing with them. I began to think about what Dad had said. This could possibly ruin his life, even though he wants it. Should I take that from him, because I of what I did. I  could have missed the party, I did not have to drink and do drugs, and in the end I did not have to have sex with Ryan. Now that I think about it, Dad would only be mad at me for five seconds and and he would have gotten over it. I wish I would have thought of that before all this happened.

"Beth." I spoke looking down at the last grape in my hand.

"Yeah." She replied popping a green grape in her mouth.

"Your not going to unfriend me right?" I asked looking over at her.

She swallowed the grape and looked at me, "I can't even if I wanted to."

"Why's that?"

"Because if I'm not here to watch you then by time you are twenty you will be on your fifth child. You need me and I need you."

I laughed, "I guess you right. Wait!"


"I feel like you just called me a slut."

She laughed, "Yep, I did."

I rolled my eyes as she laughed harder. When the door opened I ran to the door. There stood Danny and dad smiling. I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked as I watched him. He seemed a little down, which made me a little nervous. I did not want to speak, looking him in the eyes reminds me of what happened just a few nights. I look away, my heart suddenly bumping harder as Danny looked at me from Beth. Even though we had talked about it, we never really got deep. It was not a regret, but was it more?

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