The Big Mistake (Chapter 3)

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After an hour Danny finally finished. I was pretty confused once he climbed off of me and laid back in his seat. He seemed to be lost as he looked down at his thighs. I was of course feeling good, but I was also lost. I mean we just had sexual intercourse. I love Danny, but I love him as a friend, almost like a brother. I just never seen this happening between us. 

I just sat up and looked away, lifting my shirt from off the floor. He began to get dressed as well, not even uttering a word. Once we were dressed we climbed back in the front and he started his drive forward onto the main street. I just stayed quiet, I did not really know what to say to him, besides, damn. When he approached my house, driving into the driveway slowly I thank the heavens I was going to be free from the awkwardness. We didn't even share goodbyes. I just climbed out and walked up my porch and into my house. Quickly I walked upstairs and looked up to my father looking through my computer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked setting the computer down beside him.

"Because. I didn't want you to look at me like that." I answered pointing at his face hiding my stomach with my other arm. 

"What do you mean? Liza, do you understand what this means?" He asked standing up.

"What do you want me to do, Daddy?" I asked, "I just turned seventeen. I wasn't trying to do those drugs and I wasn't trying to get drunk. I was already doing a lot because you weren't home. I'm not saying it's your fault, I know it's mine bu-"

"It takes two to get pregnant. Not one. Its both of your fault. Live up to your mistake. You are going to be a real woman and have this baby. Ryan is going to be a real man and take care if this baby." He huffed, "I can not have the press finding out my daughter had an abortion either.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, Dad but I don't want him anywhere near my baby."

He nodded, "Good. I'm going to put his ass away. For good."

I smiled, "Thanks, Dad. But what do we do now? People are going to find out."

He hugged me, "We will figure that out when the day comes."

I pulled away and kissed his cheek. He walked to my door and turned around to face me, "Also. This is going to be your punishment for not listening to me. Love you. Have a good sleep."

"Love you too." I laughed. He smiled and closed the door. I took off all of my clothes and bra then added a big shirt over my body.

I laid back in my bed and looked at the moon through my window. Still, I can't believe I had sex with my best friend.

The next morning I walked into class with a huge headache. It kind of felt like a hangover except I didn't party last night. I puked like twice this morning, but I could not miss any of this week, since testing was going to happen on Thursday. I mean these symptoms is what brought me to wonder about my pregnancy. It all started with the need to chew mint gum. It was so satisfying and tasted amazing, which is crazy since I am not a gum person. Then the nausea accompanied by the horrid feeling of a headache. Sometimes the gum helped to calm my body down, but today it did not.

"Liza!" Elizabeth screamed from down the hall.

I turned around and faced her, "Stop screaming. My head is pounding."

"Sorry." She whispered, "But we have a problem."

"What is it?" I questioned looking around. Everyone was doing the regular things but some stared at me with some type of wonder in their eyes.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me outside. She pulled me across the large field, which had was a bright green and to an old oak tree and stopped. I bent over as nausea over came me, the walking worsening it. I just grabbed my stomach, waiting from my stomach to start pumping up the liquids.

"Hey. What's the big problem?" Danny approached, "What's wrong with her?"

"She's about to puke." Elizabeth answered, "Here."

She handed me a bag. I nodded and put my mouth over it just in time for the liquids that were in my stomach to fall out of my mouth, into the brown bag. I exhaled loudly, waiting for a second as I closed my eyes. slowly I placed the bag on the ground and looked at the two people who was watching me in utter disgust. I stared at Danny for a few seconds, my mind going back to last night and reminded me why my legs were so soar.

"So what did you have to tell us?" Danny asked directing our attention back to Elizabeth.

"Oh well somehow the school found out you were pregnant." She replied with a smile on my face as she handed me the news website some child made all about any drama happening at our school and I was front page.

"What are we going to do?" I asked shaking my head, I can't tell the whole school that I had sex with a thirty-year old and he didn't know how to put on a damn condom.

"Okay follow what I'm saying. No disagreements until further notice." Danny whispers making eye contact with me.

"Okay." Me and Elizabeth spoke in unison.

"Okay. I got you pregnant and now we are together. We have been having sex for the past year and totally forgot the condom one night. Elizabeth is the one who gave us the test and has only known for a week. We are all still best friends and I'm the dad till further notice." He explained.

Me and Elizabeth stayed quiet with our mouths open.

"Close your mouths." He laughed.

"You put a lot of thought into that." Elizabeth giggled.

He shrugged, "Well I get bored."

"Okay. Lets do it." I agreed. Elizabeth nodded and Danny laughed once again.

"So fake girlfriend." Danny put his arm over my shoulders, "How is my baby doing? He or she is still healthy right?"

I pushed him off of me and laughed. Elizabeth laughed and ran for the door. She stopped me before entering the school and looked behind me.

"You forgot your bag of puke." She siad.

"No one has to know." I giggled. She hooked her arms on mine. She walked me to class and I sat down. This is going to be an eventful school year.

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