Just Another Pregnant Teen (10)

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At eight in the morning I was finally walking through the doors of the hospital. I only had the paperwork I might need in my hands and my purse. I was not too sure on whether my water broke or if it was pee. If I was in labor though, Amy volunteered to go and get the stuff from the car for me.

"May I help you?" The lady asked.

"I think I am in labor." I answer excitedly which causes a smile to form on her face.

"Okay. Fill this out and we can get you a room." She handed me a clipboard with a couple of papers and a pen attached. I just take it then turn, sitting in the waiting room beside a large window looking out into the parking lot.

It looks harder when your parent is doing it, but when you actually read the questions it's easier. I got through those questions in less than twenty minutes, my new record. It made me happy and only three contractions stopped me. I just handed it back to the lady before going back to my seat and looking over at Amy. She was starring outside, where the highway was only to the left of us. Traffic was already starting which made me nervous. Mom should be on her way, but with all these cars on the streets it is going to make her take even longer.

"Are you ready?" Stacey asked rubbing my belly and smiling once looking me in to my eyes then turned once the double doors opened.

I nodded and smiled. "Where's Michelle?" I asked as I realized she's not with us.

"With Justin. He wants to come are you okay with that?" She asks quietly and I smiled seeing she was a little worried about me.

"Yeah. It is his baby." I answered and turned closing my eyes and grabbed her hand trying to breathe through the pain.

I look up once hearing my name and smiled once he told us which room we were going in. He offered a wheelchair but I declined and just held my stomach as we walked towards the room. He handed me my dress than gave me privacy to change. I sat in the room for awhile before the got me hooked to all the machines and checked me. I was only at three centimeters dilated and still had a long way ahead of me.

"Wow." I whisper then exhaled as Mom walked inside the room and smiled kissing my head. I giggled as Justin looked at me then slowly sat down beside Amy.

"Your so stupid." Stacey laughed at Amy and looked down at the magazine they were looking at together. Michelle is with Mom's co-worker so she could be in the room with me while I give birth to my son. 

"What? You can totally get confused with that." Amy argued. We all just laughed at her stupidity.

"When is Aiden going to come?" Mom whined looking at my tummy. "Hurry, Aiden were ready to see you."

"Well Aiden likes that." I took in a deep breath trying to help my contraction pass by then tightened my hold on the bed.

"Sorry." She chuckled and I smiled and rubbed my belly. I squeeze my eyes shut and began to groan once the pain worsened and she stood and grabbed my hand, "You got to breath, Nya." 

"I am trying!" I scream loudly and exhaled once the contraction released, "Oh my gosh. Why di I go to that stupid party?" 

Mom turned to her purse, "Amy, drive them to get some food. Nya needs a break and maybe a nap. So take your time. Aiden wont be here for at least another two hours." 

I close my eyes as everyone got ready to leave. I just opened my eyes once the door shut and Mom smiled and closed the blinds. I was able to sleep for about three hours before I am awaken be even worse contractions. I was finally able to get through the others, now these are coming. Everyone was back and I was the center of attention. I actually did not like at all which surprised me to be quite honest. In this moment that I cry in pain, with my stomach tightening the tightest it could go I immediately regret everything I  have done in the past year. 

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