The Big Mistake (Chapter 9)

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36 Weeks Pregnant

He took off my shirt slowly and threw it on the ground. He then took off my pants and brought me close to his body. His hand laid on my huge belly as he felt my baby move beneath him. I just giggled and gave him a peck on the lips, pushing back his hair.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I reply lowly. I looked up and kissed his lips softly. He touched the side of my face deepening the kiss.

Three days ago...

"You fucking retard!" I screamed out as I walked up the stairs slowly, my stomach now heavy. Danny threw his shoes on the floor and slammed the door shut.

"Your the dumbass that felt the need to tell my damn parents that we had sex in the back of my car!" He screamed following me upstairs.

"Sorry. It just came out!" I screamed sitting on the bed. He walked into the room rolling his eyes.

I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him hard. Maybe it was the hormones or the fact that I'm finally realizing I really do like my best friend, but either way I needed this. He pushed me down onto the bed and held his body over my huge belly. Still our lips were stuck together as our warm tongues touched. I wrap my hand around his torso, giving his brown loose shirt a tug.

"I fucking love you." He whispered into the kiss. I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

"What did you just say?" I questioned. When realization hit him he quickly stood up and shook his head, laughing.

"I didn't mean to say that." He says before he left the room. I followed him as fast as my legs were lift my now very heavy body. I get to the door, taking slow deep breaths to calm me back down from my tired and breathless state.

I knocked on the bathroom door twice, "Danny." No answer. I try again. "Danny."

"It doesn't matter, Liza. Just forget about it." He spoke.

"No. Danny, I can't." I smiled at myself. Suddenly I was a lot more happier than before and I think it was because of what he said to me. Apart of me has always liked Danny, of course. We have known each other since the age of zero. We spent weeks together, I watched him beat up kids for me and Elizabeth. I watched him grow into the beautiful man he was. I loved him back, "Danny."

"Liza, please."

"Danny. Ask me out."

"What?" He questioned.

"Ask me out." I repeat louder, looking down as I gave my girl a rub.

"Liza..." He paused and I looked up at the door as he finally went on, "Will you go out with me?" 

"Yes." I replied with a wide smile on my face as I softly rubbed my round belly.

The bathroom door opened and he looked down at me, "What?" he speaks surprised, his voice was barely a whisper.

"I said yes. Danny, I will go out with you. How about tonight?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room.

I closed the door and locked it.

"In the room. With the lights out. I want to scream your name." I whispered climbing onto him. Slowly I turned off the light and kissed him lightly on his soft lips.

Three Days Later...

I giggled and watched as my little munchkin kicked my belly. Danny laughed and put his hand at the top of my belly. She kicked again, excited about his touch.

"Wait." I spoke getting in a comfortable position on the bed. Danny softly laid is head on my belly. He smiled as she moved some more, giving his cheek a slight kick. I take a sip of my lemonade and giggled as I placed the cup down.

"Wow. I can hear her."  He whispered. I chuckled and held his hands tightly. Softly with my other hand I slowly brushed through his messy hair.

"Wow." I gasped. She hit my rib a little to hard. Sitting up I laughed, "She's getting a little too happy in there."

Danny laughed, "Sorry."

I shook my head, "Rayna likes you. Don't you, Rayna?"

She kicked me again and we both laughed. Danny looked at the clock before he stood then helped me out of bed. Danny grabbed my book bag, then my hand and walked me to the car. I climb in then shut the door and buckled my seat belt. We were off to school in minutes.

"Are you excited? For Rayna?" He asked driving into the school parking lot.

"Yeah. Kind of." I scrunched up my nose. He laughed and parked the car.

We got out and he walked me to the nurse. I talked to her about how I wanted to stay at school until my baby was giving me to hard of a time during my contractions. She questioned me on a few things as well as Danny. I got a pass as well as Danny to leave five minutes early from each of my classes and to be five minutes late. After that I got my new schedule so I wouldn't have gym anymore, considering wouldn't be able to participate. My alternative was the library where ill do work for gym, like power points on health. Since, we missed first period took me to my second period class. I walked in just as the bell rang.

"Hey." I smiled at my teacher. She smiled up at me and handed me a folder of the things I missed, considering for the past few days, Rayna was giving me a hard time.

As I was working though Mrs. Jollies was watching me. When I looked up she would act like she was starring at one of the posters behind me. Finally she got the courage to talk to me.

"Liza, can you come here please?" She questioned. I nodded and slowly got back onto my feet.

I sat down in one of the free chairs next to her desk. At this point in my pregnancy everything is aching. My feet, legs, head and back is all hurting. I can't sleep at night and it's getting in the way of my school work. My back aching makes me uncomfortable so I can't fall asleep at night and I can't concentrate on my school work. Danny has been giving me massages which work at least for about ten minutes after he stops. But overall pregnancy sucks.

"So...I don't think this is inappropriate but my daughter is fifteen and I heard from one of her friends that she wants to get pregnant." Mrs. Jollies explained just above a whisper, "Can you help me with that?"

"Yeah." I say hesitantly, "If it's okay with you I can just have her spend five days with me. Let's say Friday since its winter break and another five days after she's born."

She thought about it for a minute, "Yeah, I will like that. Thank you."

"No problem. Just tell her I need help with everything." I told her. She nodded and we talked a little more.

Wow. Thank goodness cause I do need help. Rayna is going to be here in two months. Its coming quick and I need all the help I can get. Being a young mom is going to be difficult, especially when I got school as well.

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