Just Another Pregnant Teen (12)

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"It's okay Aiden. Mommy is going to feed you. You just can't be stinky can you? No you can't." I say laying him on the pillow in front of me then smiled as I lifted the wipes from the bag.

It was my last day in the hospital, and I was very excited. The last three days have been a little hard for me. The nurses and doctors have been very nice and helpful, teaching me as much as I could and give me advice. I just can not sleep in these uncomfortable beds. If I am not up trying to get Aiden comfortable, by feeding and changing him then I am tossing and turning. I was ready to get in my own bed, which I have made very clear to the nurses here. It was six in the morning so I was going to be waiting awhile but they said they were try their best to get me out of here as soon as possible.

I exhale loudly as I lifted Aiden and lifted my breast. Aiden had a lot of trouble latching on, usually taking him about twenty minutes. Nurses tried their best to help and gave me other alternatives which was to pump and feed him through bottle. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth when his crying stopped. Amy was sleeping, having to leave for school in thirty minutes and I did not want to wake her up. 

She stayed with me all three nights, went to school when needed to then came back here once it ended. I helped her with homework, making sure she stayed on track knowing her parents would kill me. They came to visit me yesterday, and told Amy this was them trusting her. They wanted her home three nights out of the week at least. She was going to stay with me all of spring break though which I was so thankful for. I did not know where me and Stacey were going to end up in the next couple of months. We were a little intimate, but neither of us liked girls before this pregnancy. Then Mom is such a hard worker, I do not know how many times a week she will be able to see us. Justin was the least of my worries. After the talk he showed up but barely spoke to me, and immediately leaves the moment Mom walked in. I really don't expect him to stay and if he does it will all be Amy's doing.

"Come in." I yell once hearing a knock and smiled as the nurse walked in and turned to the sink. I glance over at Amy who rolled over then looked down at my boy who was falling back asleep.

"I see you are doing well." She says a wide smile forming on her face as she looked at the screens then lifted my file, "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah." I  answer slowly then looked down at Aiden before lifting him and placed a rag on my chest. I lay him on the rag then began to pat his back as he fell asleep. Amy's alarmed sounded through the quiet room and I smiled as the nurse checked Aiden's heartbeat.

"He sounds perfect." She whispers and I smiled as I looked over as Amy slowly sat up and pushed back her hair. The nurse left and Amy laid back falling asleep once again. She had another alarm so I assumed she would wake up then.

Once she finally woke up she took a shower, then got ready for her day. I watched as she lifted Aiden then rolled on to my side. I tried to go to sleep but it just was not happening. I just smiled once Mom walked through the door and looked down at me. She kissed my head then lifted Aiden after washing her hands. I just slowly sat up and watched her kiss him then slowly sat down. 

"You are going home today." She whispers then looked up at me.

"I know. I am so ready." I chuckle then slowly stood up, "Let me get ready." 

We talked as I got dressed and packed everything I needed. Before I knew it my discharge paperwork was filled out and all I was waiting on was a nurse to come get me. I was very happy that my mom was going to experience this with me and could not stop smiling. She helped put Aiden in the car seat and I turned once a knock is heard and the nurse opened my door.

"Are you excited to go home?" She asked and smiled helping me sit in the wheelchair. 

"Yes. I just want to go to sleep." I whisper slowly and smiled as Mom lifted the last bag on the cart then grabbed the car seat. 

Once we made it to the car, we got all packed in. We were off in less than ten minutes and I was getting so excited as Mom drove down the street. I missed my bed, and I was finally going to put to use all the things I bought Aiden. I look up once hearing music and laughed covering my face once I seeing all of my friends, and all of Mom's employees. They were screaming for a congratulations and I just giggled as Amy opened the door. 

"What happened to school?" I ask as she helped me out of the car. 

"Girl. I would not miss this day for the world." She laughs and I turn laughing as everyone crowded around my son.

"Everyone meet Aiden Angel Cornwall!" I announced as I looked at them and they laughed. I turn into the apartment and just began to cry as box's and bags of all sorts sat around my living room. I guess this is the baby shower I never had.

I enjoyed my time with everyone. I was able to eat an homecooked meal. Mom made burgers and fries. I also got to sit comfortable on the couch and even got a lot of help from everyone. They helped to change Aiden and even held until I had to feed him. They watched me open the presents and once it got late a few girls helped me to reorganize the nursery. I was happy when I was finally able to climb in my own bed. I hadn't talked to Stacey all day, nor did she come down to say hello. It saddened me but I just pushed that down once Amy walked into the room holding Aiden who was still sleeping.  

She handed him to me then sat beside me on the bed. I exhaled and looked at knowing she wanted to say something. After enough starring she came out with it, "I am proud of you, Nya. You a boss." 

I giggle, "Thank you." I lift Aiden and smiled kissing him on the cheek, "I couldn't have asked for a better best friend." 

She rolled her eyes and crawled to her side of the bed, "You are spoiled." 

"We need to get you a different bed or something. What if I have a friend over?"

She laughed loudly, "I am your only friend."

I shake my head then laid Aiden on the pillow between us, "I mean like a friend for intimate." 

"The fact that you said makes it ten times more fact that I am your only friend. The only thing intimate we will be doing is breathing the same air.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever."

She giggled and we both kissed Aiden before reaching for the lights. I was sleep in five seconds and it was the best three hours of my life. Aiden woke up around twelve in the morning in need for a feeding. I just quickly give him his milk and tried my hardest not to fall back asleep. Once he stopped drinking, I quickly burped him then rent back to sleep. At one in the morning he woke up again, and Amy took over changing his diaper. He was crying the whole time, so I wasn't able to fall back asleep until he was sound asleep himself. I was sleep for about twenty minutes before he was awake again. I assumed he needed a feeding. He was too angry to latch on so I had to go get one of my pumped bags. Amy tried her best to keep him calm and we both ended up on the couch. I was so exhausted and just wanted to sleep at least for another three hours.

At six I could not go back to sleep. I just sat on the floor in Aiden's room while he slept and went through his clothing. I was already stressed and it was only the first night. Then it hit me, where is Justin. I just quickly stood and got Aiden ready. I brought him upstairs and knocked on the door. Stacey answered and I smiled and walked passed her. She chuckled and I shook Justin waiting for him to wake up. Once he did he looked at me very confused. I hand him his son then pulled out my pumped milk before placing it in the fridge.

"Nya." Justin whispers holding Aiden close to his chest. 

"You got away with nine months of my pregnancy. You are not getting away with this. I will see you at nine." I whispered then kissed Aiden before leaving the house. 

Once I made it to my own apartment I locked the door then climbed back in bed. Amy rolled over and I smiled once being able to fall back asleep. I don't think I could have been prepared for this at all. 

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