Just Another Pregnant Teen (22)

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For the last three months I have worked my butt off to graduate and get everything together. I even pitched my business Idea with Mom and she told me she would think about it and maybe we could work on a more deeper plan. Aiden has been easier to deal with as well, now being on a tight schedule. He turns one today, and he is a happy baby who is now walking. I love seeing his little feet move around the house. Erick graduated as well, working hard with me considering we worked through summer to finish our last year and got it over with. He makes me so happy and I know for sure I want to marry him. Amy ended up moving out as well, and moved in with Coraline back at her place. Coraline is happy and healthy, I see her when I go to work and Mom thinks she is amazing.  I'm excited to see what her daughter looks like and to see her grow as a strong mother. I have also found out some really crazy news yesterday so I was excited to finally be able to announce it and hope for a good response from the family.

"Stop!" I scream in laughter and rolled over looking up at Erick who laughed removing his fingers from under my armpits. I laugh again and smiled as he moved closer to me then gave me a light kiss on my lips. I exhale lowly, "Aiden is awake." 

He smiled and we sat in silence for only a few minutes listening to Aiden make noises in the room. He was not upset, just talking to himself. It just made a smile spread against Erick's face and I giggled as he stood up then walked to his room. I roll over to my back then stood up walking to the kitchen.

"He's running." I laughed watching Aiden storm pass me to his toys.

"I got him." Erick yells running out of the room. I heard Aiden laugh as soon as Erick threw him in the air and caught him. A smile on my face as I lifted his cleaning supplies and handed it to Erick. While Aiden got cleaned I made him some baby food in my blender, then began cooking breakfast for me and Erick.

Once done we all sit at the table and I looked up at Erick and smiled. It was a nice breakfast filled with laughing and giggling. Aiden was enjoying his smashed strawberries and bananas, with a side of his chocolate insure. I wanted to make sure I was giving him enough nutrients so I always give him some in the mornings. He enjoys it and sometimes he will ask for the other half after dinner, by handing me his sippy cup. I love how smart Aiden is and to watch him grow to be a man is going to be such a beautiful thing.

"Aiden!" I call out sitting on the floor and smiled at him once he ran in to my arms and laughed loudly as I laid him on the covers. 

"He is very hyper today." Erick says trying to catch his breath as he bent over. He had on half of his clothes and his hair was a mess. 

"Chunky, you hurt daddy." I say smiling. He just laughed at me and kicked his foot while I lifted his clothes beside him. I nicknamed him chunk or just chunky because my baby put in some weigh off my milk and now eating solid foods. I absolutely love it and love to play with his tummy and hear his giggle.

"Yeah." Erick agreed and turned towards the room. 

I began to undress Aiden from his night clothes then lifted his button down shirt, placing it over his head. He smiled playing with his bottle which was half filed. He wasn't drinking it just biting on the plastic part. I quickly check his diaper which was clean before sliding on his black pants and black socks. I lift him on his feet and stood once he ran towards the back. Erick caught him before he entered our bedroom and brought him in to the living room. We only had one gate which is placed in the entrance of the kitchen. I usually keep the back doors shut, cause he does not know how to reach the knobs yet. He does try, but it is a lot of work. He watches me and Erick very intently though.

I exhale and walked to the room grabbing clothes. After my shower I put on a white dress and quickly combed out my curly hair. I put a pin on the side and smiled once I grabbed my make up bag. I did not want to do too much with my face considering I was wearing white and so was Erick. I simply put on lip gloss, fixed my eyebrows and did my eye lashes. I then slid on some black heels and grabbed my black purse to transfer my things in. It was a small off the shoulder purse and I wear it when I am trying to look good. Erick was dressed in a nice white button down shirt with some pants and his hair was combed out looking nice. He had the biggest smile on his face as he held his son and looked at me. He watched me as I lifted Aiden's diaper bag then grabbed my hand. I kiss him lifting my hand to wipe his lips from gloss knowing he hated that. 

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