The Big Mistake (Chapter 15)

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"Liza." Danny spoke laying down next to me to me on the bed, wrapping his arm around my neck once I turned around and laid my head on his chest,"I'm ready to go home." I whispered. 

"You will today." He replied. I brought my hand up to touch his waist, lifting my hand up to his stomach rubbing my fingers against his hairs on his belly.

"Is Rayna okay?" I questioned putting soft circles around his belly button.

"She's been crying a lot. She misses you." He replied. I nodded and cuddled up closer to him, listening to his steady heartbeat.

"I miss her too." I whispered. He held onto me tightly.

I fell asleep in Danny's arms minutes later. Only to be woken up thirty minutes later by a nurse. They brought Rayna back into the room and lifted her handing her to me. A huge smile grew on my face and I exhaled as I kissed her warm cheek.

"Okay. You will be going home today. We were scared for a moment there you had an infection and we were hoping your baby was also safe. Your blood pressure even went up a little. But everything is okay and we will try to get you home today and to a comfortable spot." My doctor told me and smiled once I nodded, "I suggest you get dressed a little bit, and we will try to get you out of here."

"Okay, good. I am ready." I smiled and he walked out of the room leaving me to get dressed and put on my shoes. Danny dressed Rayna in jean pants with a pink shirt that had 'Newborn' on it in blue with gym shoes and a jean jacket.

I filled out the rest of her paperwork. I was about to put it away when Danny took it out of my hands and stared at it. I grew confused once he took the pen from my hand, placing the paper on the counter and lifting it onto it.

"What are you doing?" I questioned rubbing my eyes. He looked up at me and smirked, "Danny." I whined. He sat the papers down and grabbed my cheeks kissing me twice and smiled.

"What do you think I did?" He asked. I looked over at Rayna then back at him with wide eyes.

"You didn't." I stated. He kissed me again then pressed the nurse button.

"I did." He replied.

"No. You can't do that." I sniffed, "Please, I can't do that to you."

"Yes, you can. I love you. Plus... You need me." He replied. 

I wiped my tears away and giggled, "Your serious?" 

He nodded, "I'm the father of your baby."

I laughed and he kissed me again. I wish I could just feel him right now but I'm still healing and I don't want my stitches to be ripped. He knew, and deepened the kiss pulling me closer to him, sliding his hand around my neck, his left hand sliding down the side of my body slowly. I take a step closer to him and exhaled as I pulled away and looked away from him trying to catch my breath. Once I turned to Danny he kissed me deeply again.

"I wish I didn't just have a baby." I whispered into his mouth. He pushed me back just a bit before he pushed his lips against mine deepening the kiss.

"Me too." He whispered. I laughed when he grabbed my neck and kissed my cheek down my neck and exhaling more.

A knock on the door interrupted our session. Danny pulled away and gave me that magical smile before opening the door for the nurse. I looked down smiling at myself as I slowly walked to the bed and sat down.

"Good morning, Liza. Danny." She spoke coming into the room.

"Morning." We replied.

"Okay. So Danny you can hold Rayna and I will push Liza." She told us. We nodded and they helped me in the wheelchair.

As soon as I sat down Rayna started to kick and cry. Danny showed her me and I smiled as she slowly stopped crying once I slid my finger in her hands. We left and I smiled as I was pushed towards the elevator doors. I was a little tired, and just smiled once Danny pushed back my fallen hair. He bent down to give me a kiss on my head, breathing out on my skin which gave me a warm feeling inside. Rayna began to cry loudly, I tried to give her my hand but this time it did not work. The elevator was taking its time so I pulled her out and laid her against my chest.

"Look at that. She just missed mommy." My nurse stated smiling at us.

The elevator doors opened and we went in. I just waited, looking down at my daughter with a smile on my face as I lifted the thick cover over her body. She cried a little bit, but I rocked back and forth which calmed her down. When we got to the car I sat in the back with Rayna cause she needs to see me for some reason. But I'm okay with it at least for now. I smiled and we were off to my house.

Once getting home I slid out of the car and walked into the house with Danny behind me. Sitting on the couch with my dad was Elizabeth, Lenard and Annabelle. I was sore, so I quickly walked to the couch and sat down to get a rest before even speaking them.

"Hey guys." I spoke setting the bag on the ground and smiling as I laid back watching Danny place the car-seat on the floor in the front of me.

"Hey. Can I see her?" Annabelle screamed cheerfully. I nodded and took the pink cover off of Rayna a smile on my face.

"Now she goes to sleep." I rolled my eyes and slowly picked her up. She started to cry so I lifted her on my chest.

"She's so cute." Annabelle cooed. I laughed and put Rayna's cover over her small body.

"Liza." I looked up at Elizabeth, "Can I talk to you?"

Nodding I looked at Annabelle lifting her up to hand to her. She smiled and pulled out her hands taking Rayna and sat down with Rayna laying comfortably in her arms. I stood up and walked with Elizabeth upstairs. We sat down on my bed sitting in silence as I closed  the door. I washed Elizabeth try to figure out where she wanted to start. When she figured it out she looked up at me and smiled.

"What is up with you and Danny?" She questioned.

My eyebrow arched, "What do you mean?"

"Danny. You. What's going on with that?" She rephrased. I laid back so my back was leaned against the wall and laughed.

"We are a couple. He put his name on Rayna's birth certificate. Why?" I questioned. She shook her head and looked away. I could tell she was getting mad even more, and it made me confused. Our relationship really has nothing to do with her.

"You are the most dumbest person on this planet." She whispered. My jaw dropped and I stared at her.

"What the hell!? How am I dumb!?" I shouted getting up, slowly.

"You got pregnant by a thirty year old and then you let Danny ruin his life for you! What don't you understand about that!? Your an selfish asshole!" She explained in a very loud tone.

"What's wrong with you!?" I shouted throwing my pillow at her. I grabbed another one and started whacking her. I heard Rayna crying from downstairs but that didn't stop me.

"Stop!" She screamed pushing me. I fell down to the ground, but got back up, ignoring the screaming pain in my legs and my testicles.

"Or what!?" I went for her but someone grabbed me. "Get off of me, Danny!"

I was on the verge of crying as I looked at my best friend. Getting out of Danny's hold I attacked her and she fell to the ground.

"You could have just told me you hated me." I whispered getting up. She starred at me then slowly got up.

I walked out of the room and walked downstairs. My legs soar and aching. Everything was still hurting and the baby screaming wasn't helping my pounding head.

I sat down on the couch and picked her up. She instantly went quiet and I rocked my little girls in my arms. I slowly began to cry as I watched her. Why is everything changing.

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