The Big Mistake (Chapter 12)

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Merry Christmas! I know it's like 1:51am and y'all are probably partying like me or dancing but I hope y'all have fun. Enjoy!

"Okay. I need you to breath in. I'm going to count to ten and then you can breath out." She instructed. I nodded and held onto Danny's hands tightly.

"Are you ready to be a dad?" The doctor questioned Danny as I looked at the screen where it showed my heart beat.

"Yeah." Danny smiled and looked to me as I look at the doctor. 

My legs were spread open and my knees was placed close to my chest, Danny and a nurse holding them back. I was little uncomfortable. I was to far into labor, being eight centimeters dialed, to where they told me it would just be best to have her now. I was okay with this, having eight months to think about whether or not using medication or natural would be a good idea for not only the baby but for me.

"Okay." The nurse says smiling at my doctor who slowly sat down in front of me, "Get ready."

I did as she instructed, lifting my chin to touch my breast, breathing in slowly preparing myself for what I was about to endure. She speaks, "Breath." I take a deep breath and she says, "Push...1...2...3...4...5... 6... 7...8...9...10...Breath."

I exhaled, laying back in disbelief that woman did those more than once. My body was aching, aching very bad. My back was very tense, causing an uncomfortable to scorch through my abdomen. My eyes slowly opened and I looked up at Danny. Its different of what they show in the movies. Usually it's a lot of people talking and a lot of movement. But right now it's just me and Danny in a large room, the only sound is me and Rayna's heartbeat and the doctor talking to Danny and the nurse asking me simple questions.

"Are you excited." She questioned glancing at the contraction monitor and back to me. I nodded and got ready for the next contraction. I lift my body up just a bit and took in a deep breath, "1...2....3...4...5...Keep pushing. Keep pushing. There's a head! Keep pushing." She smiled up at me. Pushing as hard as I could I let out a loud scream, before all the pain releases.

Danny kissed my cheek and smiled against me, "She's beautiful."

I laughed as  I looked at my baby, where the doctor was held her, unwrapping the umbilical cord from her neck. She wasn't crying but she was moving a lot. I smiled and laughed as she laid her on my heaving chest. Danny gave me a soft kiss on the lips and looked down at Rayna.

I started to cry as they cleaned my baby girl on my chest. She was dark brown like me and her eyes were very wide like Ryab's. Her hair touched my shirt, it was soft against my hands and I laughed as she screamed loudly, her body red.

"She's pretty." I said. "Rayna, it's okay. Mommy is here."

"Rayna. That's a cool name. Lets see what she weighs." The nurse grabbed Rayna and brought her to the other side of the room where they will check her and make she is okay as well as get her height and weight.

"Ugh!" I spoke holding pulling out for Danny's hand.

"What?" He asked sitting down in a chair beside me and slid his fingers through mine, lifting his arm on the arm west s he laid back comfortably.

I laughed and shook my head, "That was painful."

He laughed, "But she's here."

"You know. I see a lot of girls come in here that are around your age. But I never seen a girl go through labor at school." My doctors said taking off his gloves and throwing them away.

"Oh. Yeah." I replied shaking my head. Slowly they helped me pull down my soar legs.

"Okay. Seven pounds six ounces and seventeen inches." The nurse stated sitting Rayna on my chest. I brought my hand up to touch her soft curly hair, my pinky finger on her neck as she slept on my chest peacefully.

"She's so small." I sniffed, "Like a little puppy."

"Yeah." The nurse agreed smiling down at me.

"Okay, Liza you are ready to go. We will just get you your room and then you can have visitors." My doctor explained standing up from the stool. I nodded and the nurse took the baby out of my hands smiling at me.

"We're just going to put a diaper on her so  she doesn't pee all over you." She says and I nod as she laughed.

Before I knew it I was moved to the recovery room with my girl in my arms. The room was a little smaller than before with a small closet, bed, couch and television. There was a bathroom to the left of me next to the doors with a large window that shows the city to the right of me. Danny was on his phone while I slowly fell asleep, thinking to myself, I am the mother of Rayna Ray Jefferson.

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