Just Another Pregnant Teen (1)

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To Thy Readers
                   You know the policy. Don't steal my work. This is fiction. All characters, places, and events are fake. This is a three in one book and I hope you enjoy.

This is my eighth book on Wattpad. I hope it does as good as my others and I hope you Enjoy.

1.) Just Another Pregnant Teen
2.) The bad Boy Got Me Pregnant
3.) The Big Mistake

Chapter 1
First Book In TM series.
Just Another Teen Pregnancy

May twenty-forth at three in the afternoon I found out I was pregnant. My heart broke into a million pieces and the tears rushed down my face before I could even exhale. I was sixteen years old, and never thought that of all things that could happen to me I would be a teen mother. I am Nya Cornwall and this is my story.

 It was a Friday afternoon around six. The sun was going down, with a slight snowfall with my moms amazing cooking spreading throughout the house. She was cooking a nice chicken dinner, with gravy and rice. A side of fresh broccoli and option of bread on the side. It was my favorite meal, and I was finally feeling good enough which made her happy. The doctor had made her leave, telling her to make me feel more comfortable with the questions. Many teens lie, when parents are near. Once the door had shut, she told me I had options. I couldn't think about killing my child so instead I told her to tell my mom it was just lactose problems and that I would tell her and hope for the best tonight.

I was terrified. My mother was a strong black single woman. My father left when I was six and I have not seen him since I was ten. I didn't mind. Mom did well for herself, owning her own building and pushing me to also be independent. She talked to me about sex and diseases and told me she trusted me enough to wait for me to speak up if I wanted to start on birth control. The only issue was, I was drunk. I did not know what was happening until it was over with. I could not form a proper sentence and I don't think he could. I woke up the next morning with a watch that had the letters JJ encrypted on the back in a beautiful cursive. I left it on the my dresser, in hopes whoever it was would come looking for it. Thank goodness I kept it, that might be the only thing I have of the father to my baby. 

I take a deep breath and lifted the watch before turning to the hallway as my mother passed by, going to her room at the end of the hall. I just turned and walked out going downstairs. A smile crossing my face as I grabbed a fork and placed it in the bowl of rice before taking a bite. I chewed slowly and walked to the living room before sitting down on the brown couch. The faster I tell her the faster I can get this over with.

"Mama!" I screamed out and turned to the staircase once hearing her first steps. She smiled her big brown eyes scanning me, as she smiled round lips curving up as she slowly sat on the couch beside me and lifted her leg. She sat her phone face down on the glass coffee table in front of us and turned to the food which was still cooking.

Now I'm really nervous.

"Yeah." She turns back to me and I chuckle not wanting to tell her. I know I need to, I mean she needs to know. My mother was all the family I had though, and I do not know how she is going to respond. I know she's not going to kill me, but kicking me out maybe. I directly disobeyed her. Told her I would speak to her when I wanted to take that next step and I drank. 

"Mom. Umm." I take a slow deep breath as I look up at her. I try to refrain myself from biting my nail, which is a bad nervous habit I tend to do. One my mother absolutely hated, and usually ends with her yelling at me to stop.

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