Just Another Pregnant Teen (20)

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I exhale as I lift my phone to turn off the third alarm. I roll on my back and looked at Erick who was still sleeping. I smile down at Aiden seeing he was awake and just starring at me. I rub his nose and exhaled slowly sitting up. Aiden rolled on to his stomach and I lift him holding him close as I walked out of the room.

"Morning." I speak seeing Coraline was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Morning." Caroline replied with a smile on her face. She looked down and I yawn as I walk to the closet pulling out a new pack of wipes. I look up and laughed as I looked around the house. She had put up the bed and folded everything back up, the tables were wiped down and the rest of Aiden's clothes that I needed to fold was folded neatly on the table. She had cleaned the house for us which was super nice.

"You cleaned?" I asked pointing at her. She nodded in response and I smiled and opened up the fridge. I pulled out some orange juice then went to the freezer to pull out some waffles.

"Morning." Erick speaks walking in to the living room and smiled at Aiden before taking him and lifting his wipes to wipe down his face.

"Morning." Me and Coraline said in unison. Aiden kicked his foot crying and I giggled as I looked down at the stove before cutting it on.

"I am going to take you to the doctors then we will come back here and I will go to work. I already talked to my mom." I explain to Coraline as I cracked the eggs into the bowl.

"What about clothes?" She looked down at the night clothes I gave her last night.

"You can borrow mine for now then after work we can go shopping and eat some food. Aiden needs to get out anyways." I smiled and turned to the stove pouring the eggs on the skillet. I then turned to the waffles pulling them out of the toaster.

Once I was done making breakfast I made the plates then handed them to Erick and Coraline. I tried to eat as much as I could before Aiden got fussy. It was getting close to his feeding time, but I was starving. It did not take him long to start crying. Even made eye contact with me while he sat in his play bin.

I was about to stand but Coraline stopped me, "I got it. I will get him."

She sat down her plate on the table and I smiled watching as he stopped crying and just stared at her. He seemed pretty scared which I knew it was because he did not know her. It was actually pretty adorable and made me smile as he watched her once I took him. I lay him in my arms lifting my leg on the couch. Aiden looks up at me and I giggled as I lifted my breast to feed him, watching him as he closed his eyes.

"Thank you." I whisper to her and smiled once she looked at me, "Mommy said hello, Erick."

He was catching up on homework while eating his breakfast. He just looked up at me and smiled. Erick is very quite in the mornings which was something I had to get used. It actually is kind of nice. I was the only child and my mom worked a lot. For the most part I had no one to talk to until eight in the morning when I got to school. Amy was not a morning person either, she was usually angry until eleven in the morning. She usually was yelling at me so I always kept my distance when she slept over on school nights. I guess it was nice they didn't yell at me in the mornings, but at one point I questioned how much he liked me.

I look up once Erick stood and smiled when he bent down to kiss me on the lips. I exhaled and licked my lips smiling as he walked to the kitchen. He pulled out the clean dishes and put them in their designated spots. He then began to clean the breakfast up, put any left overs in the fridge then wiped down the counters. I lay back and closed my eyes, looking down when Aiden began to cry again. I lift him up and rubbed his back exhaling once his cries got louder and he lifted his face to look at me.

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