The Big Mistake (Chapter 8)

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"Hey." Danny whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at Danny's hand which was placed on my belly.

"Hey." I whispered rubbing my eyes and looking at him. He smiled and kissed my cheek before laying back down and looking out the window. I smiled as I feel my baby moving inside of me, kicking Danny's hand.

I'm seven months pregnant, ready to have my baby. My look for Carly is failing, but I did find out that one of the teachers were fired because he was sleeping with a student. He tried to fight back and say she needed a place to stay because she was kicked out. I'm following him home today so I can ask some questions. First school.

"You know you don't have to go to school anymore, right?" Danny chuckles as he rolls onto his back and looked at me as I looked down at my stomach, rubbing it slowly smiling as I felt the small movement.

"I know. But I plan on going until this baby is ready to come out." I reply removing my hand from the side of my stomach and grabbed his hand slowly.  

He laughed and got out of the bed going straight to his drawer and looking down deciding what to where. He looked back at me and smirked, telling me he wanted me to pick out an outfit for him to wear. I just slowly turned and I got up. My world went a little dizzy, causing me to fall to the side, the bed catching me. 

Danny approached and put his hands on either side of me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just couldn't catch my breath." I replied with a smile. I took in a couple of  deep breaths and walked to Danny's closet.

I got dressed in Danny's sweat pants and Jersey. I pulled out an outfit for him, which was some black jeans and his white wife beater with his gray jacket then handed it to him. As he got dressed I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my pink toothbrush. I now sleep over here way to much. They have hair products and my own toothbrush and tooth paste just for me.

When I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my bag but Danny took it for me and held my hand taking me down stairs. What the hell is he doing?

By time I got to the bottom step I was begging for oxygen. He looked up at me once again and sighed. I placed my hand on my chest, slowly catching my breath as I stepped down the last step. When I finally gained back my calm breathing I wracked Danny, Shut up!" I laughed. "I'm pregnant remember."

"Yeah. It's just that I wanted to show you what I made." He smiled. I looked over and there was a box wrapped up in wrapping paper.

It was a huge box. I looked over at Danny and his parents. His mom was sitting on the couch with a thousand dollar camera. She smiled at me and I just kind of stared at Danny.  I was a little confused, his parents was just upset about Danny going through with the lie. I guess they realized we can not take this back, for dad's sake. He is already in the newspaper, talking about my pregnancy. 

"Stop starring at it, Liza. It's not going to open itself." Danny's dad laughed pushing me forward.

"Okay." I took in a deep breath and opened up the present. It was a huge wooden crib with a little card taped in the middle, my name printed on it in beautiful elegant cursive.

"How do you like it?" Danny questioned kneeling beside me as he looked at the crib. I smiled and laughed as I pulled out to give him a tight hug.

"I thought you guys were playing a prank on me." I laughed. They all laughed and I turned to look at the dark wooden crib.

"You didn't read the note." Danny's dad stated handing me the little card. I took it out of his hand and looked down. 

In big letters it said; I found Carly!

I read it over and then looked up at Danny, "Happy Birthday."

I gasped. I totally forgot my birthday. How do you forget your birthday? What was I doing? I need help and some sleep. Wow, this baby is really changing me. Not just physically but, mentally. It was a little scary to know what pregnancy can do to a person. 

"What?" I laughed bending down a little. "I totally forgot. I was turning eighteen today."

They all laughed and I tried to catch my breath. I sighed and smiled down at the little card.

"She's going to have you star on her channel." Danny spoke. I turned around eyes wide. What did he just say?

"What? No I'm to nervous. Do you know how many people is on that thing? Who watch her?" I shook my head and sat on the couch rubbing my large belly.

"Its okay. She will talk to you about it in an." He looked at his watch,"We're late. Lets go!"

He got up and ran upstairs. I chuckled as Danny's mom helped me up since I couldn't do it myself. I grabbed my book bag and zipped up my coat because it was snowing very hard. I quickly slid an hat over my bun and then grabbed my gloves. Once I put on my left gloves, Danny snatched the right one out of my hand.

"You don't need that." He says, throwing the glove on the couch. I moved away before he could take my bag away. He tried again but I turned around. I laughed and walked out of the house.

Danny held my hand and walked me to the passenger seat. He then got on his side and started it up. We were off in minutes and then I realized something. This is not the way to the school, and we are late. 

"School! We have school."

Danny looked at me, "Your not going."

"Your not my dad." I pout crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes. I am." He smirked looking at me and grabbed my hand as he drove down the icy street at a careful speed.

I laughed and we went to the house. It was huge and very nice. When we walked in we caught up and I got to hold the baby. It was very fun and I'm glad Danny helped me out. Hopefully me and Carly can hang out more, I may need some help when the baby comes.

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