Just Another Pregnant Teen (9)

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I started having contractions around one in the morning. I had not been feeling well which really sucked, and just been stuck in the bed. My mom came over early yesterday to check on me and said she would be back today. I texted Stacey to lay with me, she replied with an okay then took an hour to come down. I was still happy and besides sleeping I wanted to make out with her, which she didn't mind. 

I gasped and pulled away. Stacey's eyes widened as she got up and pulled her hand away from my spot. It got very heated and very fast. I hadn't told her I might of been in active labor. It was hot and I enjoyed it but the contractions are actually starting to hurt. 

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I knew you weren't feeling it." She says and ran out of the room grabbing her pants on the way. I think it was more so the fact that sense this started we have not done anything past making out.

"Stacey!" I call out siting up, "Its not you. I'm in labor." I laughed as I sat up and watched her slowly enter the room, "I'm sorry."

"No." She giggled and pushed back her hair, "I am. I did not know." 

I giggle and grabbed her hand pulling her closer. She exhaled and I kissed her lightly on the lips, "I don't have a diaper bag ready. Wanna help?" 

She nodded and turned. I exhaled as I grabbed my phone then walked towards the nursey. I slowly sat down and looked down at my phone wondering if mom had seen my texts. She must still be asleep. I just laid back on the white chair in Aiden's room and smiled once Stacey walked towards me and handed me the diaper bag.

"We got time. I don't have to go to the hospital until my contractions are worse." I stated rubbing my huge belly. I was getting hot flashes and simply took off my shirt which gave the world the view of my stretched out brown skin. 

"Okay. Are you going to breastfeed?" Stacey asked and I nod my head my head in response. "So we don't need bottles."

I just watched as she went through all of the drawers. I stare at the white and black striped bag that Amy got me. It made me feel sad as Stacey began to fill it with everything we needed for the baby. I knew I was going to be in there for at least four days so she grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed that with clothes for me. It did not take her long to finish either, and before I knew it everything was sitting next to the door.

"Okay. I'm finished. How do you feel?" Stacey asked looking at me. I smiled and held up a thumps up then looked back down at my phone.

"Help me up." I say pulling out my hands. She helped me up and we went to the living room, sitting on the couch. I lift my feet up and turned to Stacey who brought out my purse from the room and stuffed my phone charger in it.

I laughed as she sat down beside me breathlessly. I am not that heavy, well so I believe. We just began to start laughing. I laughed so hard I peed my pants and ended up needing to take a shower. I decided to put on actual clothes and even washed my hair so I can look a little presentable to my baby. I need to look good for not only Aiden, but these pictures I know everyone is going to take of me.

"When do you want to leave?" Stacey asked as she swiped through her phone.

"Umm. When it starts getting bad. But not too bad." I answered and lifted my phone rubbing my stomach. It was contracting and I just stared at the diaper bag. Amy was my best friend, and yes she was very wrong in what she did I needed her. Plus, she can help me put my hair up, or do something cute with it.

Once the contraction was over I picked up my phone and went through the contacts landing on Amy. I thought about it for a while, starring at the picture of us, sitting in my old bedroom. I exhaled and looked up lifting it up once pressing it to call. It rung for a bit and I just bit my nail as I stared at the bag.

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