Just Another Pregnant Teen (5)

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"Are you ready?" Stacey questioned as she slowly sat the huge box down and turned to me a huge smile on her face. I just giggled as she grabbed the knife from the drawer and be begin to cut the tape around the white box.

I was officially twenty-five weeks pregnant. My daughter was kicking and moving, getting bigger and heathier everyday. I was starting to truly accept life for what it was. Even though the whole school knew of the pregnancy the father had yet to speak up. I did not mind, I am not going to force someone to deal with their responsibilities. Luckily I had Stacey. She has been helping me as much as she could. We do not speak much during school, but she has been extremely nicer to everyone around her. We hang out and do homework after school everyday, and she has taught me so much about kids. I have learned to change a diaper as well and honestly, I am pretty good at it. I guess I could say we are kind of friends now. She even bought me a cake for my birthday, which she was currently opening. I was planning to watch a movie and eat ice cream, I guess she had other plans. I don't mind it though. I forget I am still a kid and can enjoy life. 

"I love it!" I screamed as I got off of the couch to look at my birthday cake better. It was a Coraline cake, my favorite movie in the whole entire world. It was actually an exact replica of the cake the other mother gave her when she was giving her the button eyes. I can not believe Stacey remembered that random fact about me.

"I knew you would." She says wiping her forehead with the back of her hand before laughing and pulling out her phone.

"Thanks. For helping." I smiled and leaned in closer so I could hug her. She took no time to hug back and I smiled to myself as I felt her breath fanning my neck.

"No problem." She whispers.

"I'm huge." I laughed in the hug cause I couldn't even give her a full hug. The baby bump was blocking me. It was kind of cool, but exhausting at the same time.

"It only gets bigger." She laughed along with me. We pulled away slowly and I smiled looking down at all the snacks she had brought over. 

I turn back to her and she was just watching me. I did not understand until she leaned, grabbed my neck then pushed her lips against mine. I had never kissed a girl before that, but I did not mind it as I spread my lips and her tongue slid between them. The feeling was explosive and my body tingled. She moved closer to me until my stomach stopped her then deepened the kiss. I just slid my hands onto her cheeks and looked up once her lips moved down to my neck and she sucked on my skin. I began to get confused once my legs grew weak and a low moan escaped my mouth. She just pulled away, a wide smile stuck on her face as I just stared at her deeply. What just happened? 

I mean, as far as I knew I was a straight girl. I liked those kisses way to much to be straight, even with these hormones. I did not know Stacey went that way either, I guess I assumed considering she still loves her ex, and never spoke about girls in that way. This can become a problem though, I truly liked our friendship. This changes everything.

"Where's the birthday girl!" Amy cheered opening the front door, and I turned to her as Stacey turned and walked to the kitchen.

"What is this?" I asked pointing to the crown laughing at the same time Justin walked in with Michelle in his arms,

"Your crown." She said in a 'duh' tone, I rolled my eyes and got up to hug my guests. Which was just Amy, Justin and Michelle, my new family.

"How's my God-baby?" Amy asked putting her hand on my balloon of a stomach. I smiled as my child moved inside of me. I look up once feeling stares and smiled at Stacey who was biting her fingernails. She just smiled once noticing and turned to Justin. I giggle as Michelle looks over at me and smiled widely.

"Um. Well hopefully we get to find out the gender tomorrow." I say happily as I clapped my hands. I'm so excited I'm going to be six months tomorrow and it's going to be my last day of school. Stacey is also going to be home schooling because she keeps leaking in the middle of class. It's actually pretty funny, but she hates it.

"Really? that's exciting." Amy whispers as she sat down with a plate of food in her hands. She eats like she's eating for two some times.

"Oh." Is all Justin said then looked down at Michelle.

After the whole apology dinner, Justin has been weird. I don't know if he disliked me or not. He would watch me for long periods of times at school. It used to be cute now it was just creepy. When we were home, he talked a little more often but once I began to reveal the belly, now a little more confident in my body he has taken some steps back. I have asked Stacey about it and all she had ever said was that there was a lot on his mind. It still made me uncomfortable. Like right now, he was just watching me as I tried to eat my salad. We were all constantly having a staring contest though. Amy would watch Justin who watched me, then Stacey would watch me. I watched back, I was very confused about how I felt towards her. I was really at a fight of whether it was my hormones or actually my feelings. I did not want to lead the girl on, or myself.

"I want ice." I randomly said looking away from Stacey. Amy just looked at me and started laughing loudly then grabbed her plate from the table.

"That was random." She laughed before getting up and grabbing a cup of ice. That's why I love Amy, she did not mind getting up and doing things for me. Yeah, I mean sometimes she gets an attitude but she still does it.

"Thanks." I smirked taking the cup then slowly looked up at Stacey who was laughing with her daughter.  I began to eat my ice then just enjoyed the rest of the time I had with everyone. Around eight, Stacey left with Michelle to put her to sleep. 

I just sat with Justin while Amy used the bathroom. It was awkward at first until he spoke, "Do you know the father of the baby?" 

I look up at him and smiled slowly shaking my head, "No. It was a drunk thing." I whisper and exhaled sliding my hand on my stomach, "I am not good with liquor." 

"Do you want him in the child's life?" 

I look down at the floor and smiled slowly nodding my head. He was very interested in what was happening with me, but that could probably explain the switch up. He didn't know what I would be comfortable with talking about. I kind of liked that. I quickly answer, "Um. Yeah. I can't do it alone and honestly I shouldn't have to either. I did not do this by myself."

I turn once Amy approached and exhaled before hugging me tightly then turning to put on her shoes, "I have to go." She begins and huffed, "I wish I could spend the night but school is tomorrow and I have like three tests I have to study for."

"Well I am proud of you, Amy. Thank you for at least showing up." I whisper and slowly sat up.

She laughed then hugged me again. We both turn once hearing Justin's voice, "I will walk her out. Thanks for having me, Nya." 

I nod and smiled. I just began to clean once they left. It wasn't much, Stacey did start before she left which was nice of her. Around eleven I hear a knock and went to go answer the door. It was Stacey and she smiled once I let her in. I exhaled as I watched her take off her shoes and sit them beside the door. 

"I was wondering if I could stay the night?" She questions and smiled once I nodded and turned towards my room. She followed, turning off the kitchen light on the way then closed my room door. I just watch as she climbed in the bed beside me. 

She smelt really good which just made me smile once she moved closer then slid her hand in my own. I just rolled her onto my side and smiled once her chest hit my back. She kissed my neck lightly and I slowly fell asleep in her arms. I did not know what exactly was happening, but I was going to enjoy it while it lasted. 

*Chapter has been RE-READ & EDITED*

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