The Big Mistake (Chapter 10

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Eight Months (2 week) pregnant

"Liza!" Danny screamed from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and out off of bed.

I was feeling tired all week and I'm failing most of my classes. I fell asleep through every class in the beginning, and I have not been able to catch up which is stressing me out. Danny hasn't been helpful with it all because I can only sleep in his arms, he gets uncomfortable and tries to leave. Did I forget to say that being pregnant has a lot of dedication?

But, since the sleep thing was and still is happening I moved Mrs. Jollies daughter, Annabelle to stay this week. Dad was leaving for a work trip for a month and promised he will be back for the labor of his first grandchild.

Me and Danny are still fighting and it's just getting bad. I've been crying a lot which makes him angry cause he doesn't want to see me cry but he's still angry so can't comfort me. A lot is happening and it's only been two weeks. I think it was not a good time for us to be together, or we were never really meant for each other in the first place. Since the moment he confessed his love to me, all we have felt together was guilt and sadness. I love him, I really do. I have known him since birth, but will this be something that will end us?

"What!?" I yelled out to him as I walked to the stair case. He pointed to Annabelle who looked just like her mom. Blonde, blue glassy eyes, pale skin, arched nose and small body.

"They're here." He rolled his eyes and walked out of the living room. 

Rolling my eyes I made my way downstairs, placing my hand beneath my large stomach as I spoke breathlessly, "Hey guys. I'm Liza and that was Danny." I pointed to the kitchen where Danny was. Danny pokes head out from the kitchen with a wide smile on his face as he lifts his hand to wave, and then turned back to whatever he was doing in the kitchen.

"Annabelle." She smiled up at me.

"Okay. See you Sunday." Mrs. Jollies bent down and kissed her daughter on the cheek. She smiled at me and left the house, giving us a quick wave before closing the front door.

I pointed to the couch and we both sat down. My belly which was huge, round and sitting on my lap was covered in a black tang top and I had on some shorts. The only thing comfortable that fits me and keeps me cool.

"When are you due?" She questioned looking at my belly in amazement. I smiled and rubbed the side softly, knowing my girl was probably sleep, not feeling any movement.

"February tenth." I replied, "But there's a possibility she will be early. Of course, they come out when they are ready."

"A girl. Cool. What are you naming her?" She question looking up into my eyes and smiled at me.

"Rayna Ray Jefferson." I answered. She nodded, "Do you want some food?" I ask not really used to this.

"Yeah." She smiled and stood up. It took me a minute but I got it and we walked to the kitchen. I smile as I open the cabinets a little, stopping for a minute as my brain went fuzzy. I lean against the counter and looked down trying to gain back my right state of mind from the dizzy spell.

"I miss that." I whispered opening the cabinet and pulling out some noodles.

"What?" She questioned sitting down on a stool and leaning on her hand.

"Being able to just get up, run down the stairs and get any and everywhere fast." I frowned. I felt like crying but held it back. I don't think Annabelle wants to see me cry right now.

"Why can't you do that?" She questioned looking up at me as her eyebrows furrowed.

"When your preganant the baby pushes all of your intestines and lungs as well as your stomach up to make room for the baby. That's why you have morning sickness." I explained patting my belly feeling Rayna kick me.

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