Just Another Pregnant Teen (15)

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Erick and I for sure needed to talk, but first he needed to get his annoying friends out. I could hear them laughing and Erick screaming for them to shut up. It made me smile as I looked down and held Aiden close to my chest. He was a little fussy with all the loud and negative energy. I just stare down at my phone seeing all the missed calls. I decided to call Amy back and smiled once I sat on the bed. 

"Hey, I am fine. Quit calling." 

"That is all I wanted to hear." She whispers then hung up the phone. I laugh looking down and gently placed Aiden in the middle of the bed. I began searching for my clothing and quickly got dressed. I think it is time for me to leave. 

Erick and I can talk later. I need to get home and hopefully get some sleep. Aiden has been sleep a lot today so the night is probably not going to go well, so I should try to get to sleep early. After strapping Aiden in I walked downstairs and smiled as Erick locked his front door. 

"Are they gone?" I ask as I placed the diaper on the couch.

"Yeah. I kicked them out." He answered and pointed to the couch before sitting on it. I just lifted Aiden and sat him in front of before sitting, "Sorry about them."

"What did they mean by again?" I inquire as I sat back and watched him.

"They never told me who it was. Just that she was blonde, and even then they would switch up the story. I guess I just got the full truth out of them. Those guys are jerk. Even then though, Justin says Aiden is his baby." He whispers, "So we have nothing to worry about."

I stare at him trying to go back to the day I found out about Justin. He said he did wrap up and looking at Erick now we were both completely unconscious. Now I am very confused. Why can't the rest of my life just be simple? Justin is the father of my baby, Erick can be the step-father or Mommy's friend. That sounds pretty comfortable. Then again Erick and I are attracted to each other and I am very comfortable around him. If he was the father we would be the family I never had. Why am I fighting with myself on this right now? I mean what is the best thing for Aiden? I don't know whether to ignore this or to make sure one-hundred percent. Who is Aiden's father?

"I feel like such a slut." I laugh angrily and lifted my hand to wipe away the tears. A loud exhale slipping through my lips as I turned to Aiden who was fast asleep. 

"No. Your not." He says slowly grabbing my hand. I turned to him and he smiled, "We are young, and stupid. That does not make us a slut. You know how many women I have had sex with since you?" I shake my head and he laughed, "Me either. I am the slut here." He looked up out the large window in the front of us, "Crazy thing. I was being so reckless I left my watch at someone's house. The last thing from my grandfathers. I was so hurt when I couldn't find it."

I slowly lift my diaper bag and pulled out the watch. I turn to him as his eyes widened and he slowly took it. He flipped it over and slid his fingers across the first J. I just smiled as he looked up at me and I slowly explained, "The only thing I had to remember that night. I felt awful not being able to let the father know, or tell Aiden if he wanted to look. Was going to give that to him when he started having questions."

Erick smiled at me and exhaled, "Jeremiah Jones." He stood and placed the watch beside Aiden, "He died on my twelve birthday. Left that and my car for me in his will." 

"I'm sorry."  I whisper quickly and he smiled as he sat back down, "Erick, I need to make sure your not the father. Aiden kind of looking like you cant be because he is half Latino or twenty-five percent or whatever the math is." We both chuckle and I go on, "I want to take a DNA test. If Justin isn't the father then he can live his life, and my son won't grow up thinking Daddy don't like him."

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