Pregnant By The Bad Boy (Chapter 2)

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"What do you want?" He spits lifting his fingers to his lips before taking a puff of his cigarette. He  blew out the smoke in my face and I immediately fanned it away making sure to coverer my nose. Him being so rude made me wonder why I found him so attractive. He was a short little scrawny kid with no manners. Poor baby, I gave her an asshole for a dad.

"Don't talk to me like that." I spat rolling my eyes. A guy walked up and handed Aaron some money. Aaron handed him a small bag with white stuff in it and looked down once the guy walked away giving me a glance before turning the corner.

"What do you want, Carly?" He asked again. His baby blue eyes darted to me and he lifted the cigarette back up to his lips.

I held my arms against my cold skin looking around the dark area. It was about eight at night, with slight snowfall. Abandoned building behind Aaron with graffiti painted on the walls. We were about a couple a feet away from the train  which gave a loud rumble every time it passed. I probably picked the worse time to tell him what I'm about to tell him. I mean he's in currently working, dealing the drugs in his usual corner. This was the most dangerous part of town, and apart of me feared for my and my baby's life. I was not going to tell him at school, and I don't know where he lives so this was my only option. I feel a dark stare and turned a sigh leaving my lips as he watched me intently. 

"I'm pregnant and you told me you knew how to put it on." I spoke angrily, turning  as a guy approached us. Aaron put his hands up and he walked away going to the other corner where his buddies was.

"I do. Your the only girl I did this too. I put it on correctly." He replied sticking his hands in his pockets and exhaling.

I sighed and looked at the dark park across the street, "My parents are going to kick me out when I tell them."

"I don't know what to do." He whispers a laugh following behind as he licked his lips. Its weird because it sounded almost like he was scared.  I guess it made sense, we were young and even though he could run at anytime, I am sure this baby would stay on his conscious. 

"I know. Me either. I just wanted you to know that you had a baby out there. No one has to know anything." I say quietly rubbing my cold hands together, hoping it would help warm them.

He nodded, "I swear I put it on right."

I took in a shaky breath before nodding. I wiped the few fallen tears that had escaped my eyes and slid down my cold red cheeks. Once he noticed my tears he pulled his hands out and watched me. I smile at him, knowing more tears would come and just wanted to go home and go back to sleep.

"I should go." I whisper slowly, taking a deep breath. 

"I'm sorry." He says fear in his voice as I nod and smiled. I might have ruined his night with my news and apart of me felt really bad. Then again, I had minimum friends and no one even has to know the father of my child is. He was going to be free of any stares and rude comments while I was going to have a target straight on my chest.

"It was my fault. I had a crush on you and the way you talk and how you jell your hair in that wavy motion and don't care what anyone says I told you to meet me at the abandoned house." I explain knowing this was not all on him. If anything I initiated the sex, and where to meet me, and even the place. If I would have just stayed to myself like I always have maybe I wouldn't be in this situation. 

He looked away and out into the darkness as silence fell on us. I slipped my hand in his putting the small picture of our baby in his hands before I walked away. Once I made it to the corner I stopped and looked back. Aaron was starring down at a picture a hurt look in his face as he lifted his hand on his cheek. I take deep breath and looked down before beginning my walk back home. The stress of it all was building up and for the first time I felt so alone. I have no clue what I am going to do.

I stare at the house once getting to it and sighed. I had not thought about my other options but I do have them and maybe was not ready for this. I am a child and I don't even know where to start to become an adult. I have no resources, no family and no father to my baby. I was going to bring her into this world struggling and not living, just surviving. That is not good enough and at this point I would be torturing her.

I open my front door and smiled as Mom slowly stood from the couch. Her screams filled the air and I just walked passed and to my room. I close and lock my door before grabbing my earphones and blasting the music. I exhale as I began to go through my clothes decided which ones I should take. I was already a little chunky and loved over sized shirts. So I knew that was the smartest thing to grab instead of any of my smalls or mediums. I needed my belly to fit under a shirt, it was bound to grow into my larges and extra larges. I then grabbed my sweats and leggings, all of my underwear and bras and chose two pair of shoes. I was now prepared for when they find out and kick me out. It was going to happen soon, my baby was starting to stick out already. 

A smile crosses my face just thinking about it. I wanted it to be a little girl. A small version of me. She was going to be my best friend and I grew sad once I realized my thoughts from earlier. I was thinking about taking her away. I exhale loudly pushing back my fallen curls and began to pace around the room. My stress now back as the thoughts from earlier began to circulate my mind. How was I going to create a small version of me with no money? 

I cover my face once I paused in the middle of the room. Then it clicked. That place I read about online, they would help me with all of that. How could I have forgotten? I sigh thinking about how I could have possibly figured out how to make that entry fee. It depends on the case so first I need to figure out how I could possibly get to the therapy session and interview. Maybe I can get Mom and Dad to get me the money. Try to maybe blackmail them. I will call the police for abandonment which makes them look very bad.\

A smile crosses my face and I looked down at my watch checking the time. It was eleven at night already and I had class in the morning. I am barely staying awake on my regular eight our sleep I don't know how it will be with less than that. I can not sleep with this on my mind. The last thing to figure out is how am I going to get eight hours away. I have no one to take me to the place to even get it. The sight does not allow over the phone either. I exhale and sit on my bed closing my eyes trying to calm myself down. I need to take it one step at a time. First I need to book an appointment and the next step is finding a ride. 

"Don't worry." I whisper to myself, "Mommy will figure it out." 

I smile at myself then stood to my feet. I exhale as I lift the suitcase and pushed it under my bed. I then walked to my door, locking it then turning off the light. I climb in the bed after changing into some pajamas. I lay back and looked out the window which was slightly open giving my a perfect view of the moon. I lift my hand on my belly and exhaled slowly. I can do this and I will do this. With that I allowed my body to relax and slowly fell asleep.

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