The Big Mistake (Chapter 14)

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"No." He pleaded shaking his head, "Please, Liza. Don't keep my daughter away from me."

"Ryan." I exhaled getting stressed as I looked down at my daughter, tears beginning to form in my eyes. He stood up and got closer to me, the look in his eyes scared me. I know that look, the look of hatred, he always gave to me right before he smacked me when I would threaten how I was going to tell my father. I covered Rayna with my hands and looked away, preparing myself, trying to protect her as much as I could.

"Liza." He whispered.

"Please, Ryan. I still have scars." I cried out. He took a step back his hands held up as he shook his head.

"Liza." He took in a deep breath.

"I don't want you near my baby." I whisper. Anger covered his face as I spoke those words. Before I knew it his hands had crossed my face leaving a stinging sensation.

"Get the hell out of here now!" Danny ran into the room and punched Ryan busting his lip.

The police officers ran into the room and bent him down on the ground. I cried out to Danny as I tried to comfort Rayna who was now screaming.

"I'm here." Danny whispered. I held onto him tightly as every one came into the room seconds after. Elizabeth hugged me tightly once Lisa took and held Rayna in her arms and Dan and dad followed the police out of the room.

"Look at me." Danny demanded softly. I looked into his eyes and he smashed his lips hard against mine. Pulling away I looked into his eyes. He wiped my tears away and nodded. I took I long deep breaths and let them out. He hugged me and I put my head in the croak of his neck.

"Does it still hurt." The doctor asked.

"Just stings." I answered looking up at him. He softly touched my cheek where he had smacked me. It was very painful and felt like a punch.

"Okay. Just going to bruise." He says. I nodded and he left the room, not without giving me a sympathetic smile.

"What happened?" Elizabeth questioned touching Rayna's small Nubian nose.

"I was telling him to sign the papers to give me all custody and he got mad and smacked me." I replied staring at my hands. I remembered the first time he hit me, I did not get a sorry, just bump to the side and he left me to cry alone. I thought it would be forgotten, as if it never happened. I guess I can't forget things like that.

"Dad!" Elizabeth called out, "What happened?"

"It took three police officers to get him off of Ryan." Dad walked into the room.

"Sorry, Liza. Got a little too mad." Dan spoke as Elizabeth cleaned off his bleeding knuckles.

I laughed, "Its okay."

"Here." Lisa handed me Rayna who was now sound asleep. "I think she needs to be held by you."

I smiled, "Bad man is gone."

I smiled down at her. Suddenly I was feeling really nauseous. I shook my head trying to shake it away. It didn't work so I handed Rayna to my dad.

"What's wrong?" Dad asked.

"Danny, help me get up, hurry." I spoke taking the covers off of my legs. He quickly went around the bed and helped me up.

"What's wrong, Liza?" Dad questioned again. I shook my head again and Danny helped me to the bathroom. It took me to long, so I didn't make to the toilet and began to puke allover the floor.

"She's throwing up!" Danny screamed running out of the bathroom.

"Liza, come'on let's get you to the toilet." Dad whispered to me. We moved around my vomit and I slowly sat down in front of the toilet.

"We will be in the waiting room!" Dan yelled as they left the room. I nodded and they were gone.

"Hello, Liza. Lets get you up." My doctor said coming into the bathroom. I shook my head placing my head over the toilet.

I let out more liquids that came up from my stomach. When I was ready to stand, we slowly did so. As we walked back to the bed they flushed the toilet. There were many nurses in the room and one took Rayna out.

"Where are they taking her?" I questioned laying back. "Where's Danny?"

"Liza, I'm going to need you to breath for a minute." My doctor whispered.

I shook my head, "Get Danny."

"Someone get the boyfriend." The nurse said and someone left. They poked me with needles and took my blood.

Danny came in and took my hand, "I'm here."

"Where's Rayna?" I questioned him. He looked at the doctor then back to me with worried eyes.

"They're just going to make sure she's healthy. As well as you." He replied.

"Okay." I whispered, "Why are they taking my blood?"

Danny looked away. "To do testing."

"Testing for what?" I questioned getting a bit aggravated.

"Liza. We just want to make sure your still healthy. You and the baby." My doctor told me putting three small bottles of my fresh blood in a small box. They left the room and I exhaled as I fell asleep slowly.

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