Just Another Pregnant Teen (16)

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I exhale loudly as I placed the envelope on the table in my living room. I had a talk with Justin about needing a DNA test and he agreed which made me happy. After the fight with Stacey it has only been Amy and I taking care of Aiden. Amy didn't even go upstairs, if Justin wanted to hang he had to come here. It kind of made me feel special, I mean Amy still had my back. It had been a hard year for the both of us, so I am just glad we are getting back to normal. Erick has even came over a few times to hang with us. He says with the possibility of it being his baby he did not want to miss any more time with him. The results came in today so I set up a get together so we could read it together. Everyone was on their way so I just was waiting for them.

Aiden is four months old and such a happy baby. He holds his own head up and has more control of his muscles. He smiles all the time and is always kicking his feet which cracks me up. He was in a cute little jumper that was blue with a tie printed on it. His hair was a mess but I have tried to comb it about three times already. I was also kind of dressed up. I was in black skirt with a yellow tang top and some yellow socks. I did a messy ponytail and put on lip gloss. I wanted to look cute cause it was a big day.

"Aiden!" Amy screams and smiled once he smiled widely kicking his foot as Amy lifted him from the bouncer. I giggle and looked up at Justin who was smiling at the two, "Mama is here. I know you missed me."

She kissed him and I giggle as she hugged me then grabbed a grape from my bowl. I just chuckled and looked up at Justin, "How are going to feel if he isn't yours?"

"I don't know to be honest." Justin answered and smiled taking Aiden out of Amy's hands, "I am going to miss him."

"Well your Amy's boyfriend. You can visit anytime." I whisper and looked down once my phone vibrated getting a text from Erick telling me he was five minutes away.

I was very excited to finally see Erick again. He did visit a couple of times and we keep in touch, making sure to call each other every day. We talked a lot about if Aiden was his and preparing for the test results to come in. Erick was terrified to be a dad and so fast. I had nine months of preparations and he is only getting a second. As soon as it is finalized of who the father is there was no looking back. Someone was going to be off the hook and I honestly am happy to settle this now instead of later on, giving Aiden a possible false life. I do indeed hope Erick is the father just because we had a deeper connection. We can talk for hours, and we are at an understanding and even grew up with kind of the same beliefs. I want what is best for Aiden, and that is being under two people who can work together. With Stacey speaking on my life, something she had no right to speak on I just do not want too much of a connection with them anymore. I feel as if there was no boundary there and I do not accept that.

I turn once there is a knock then the door opened. Erick smiled at me holding in his left hand some flowers and his right a huge bear, I just giggled taking the bear and flowers before setting them down. He then took a step out grabbing a big blue bag then handed that to me. I smiled as he hugged me then lifted Aiden who smiled widely at him. I giggle as I lifted the envelope then opened it slowly. I then handed it to Amy who smiled and began to read it.

I take Aiden from Erick and smiled as he watched me. I look down once he slid his hand in mine and looked back to Amy. I was scared out of my mind for what was to come and just took a deep breath as Amy looked up at me.

"Aiden." She whispers and lifted him a smile on her face, "Meet." She sat back down and looked at Erick, "Daddy."

I exhaled and looked at Erick who smiled, "Really? He's mine."

I smiled, "Congrats?"

He nodded, "He is here. I can not take it back and I am just glad I got a cool ass baby momma."

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