I grinned widely at her, remembering the last time she had seen my packing skills. At least she knew not to expect much. I picked a few things I thought I would need for our trip and threw it on the bed while Katarina did the same. She handed me a list of things to collect while she folded our clothes and organized them in our bags. It was actually kind of funny to watch her stress out a little bit. She was very meticulous about the way she organized everything. I was actually surprised she hadn't taken the whole place apart yet and reorganized.

I ended up stepping out of the room for a moment to grab both our laptops and journals, which were on the coffee table in the living room. When I came back, Katarina was on her phone, speaking what sounded like Spanish.

Nothing of what she was saying was making any sense to me, but she was livid. That much I could tell. I sat at the edge of the bed, watching and listening to her. I'm not going to lie, her accent was very hot and turning me on.

She groaned and yelled when she hung up, throwing her phone at the center of bed. She had thrown it hard enough that it bounced off, I was able to catch it in time before it collided with the ground.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, setting her phone on the nightstand, just in case she decided on throwing something else.

Instead of getting a clear response, all I got was more Spanish. I wasn't sure, but I think some of them were curse words.

I got closer, rubbing her shoulder. "I love you dearly, and I want to help, but I have no clue what you're saying to me right now."

She shut her eyes, inhaling deeply before opening them again. "My mom," she began, her personality changing drastically. All of the sudden she was calm and cool as a cucumber, much like the Katarina I had come to know and love. "Wants me to go to my grandfather's birthday party and I really don't want to go," she finished.

"Why not?" I dared ask.

She rolled her eyes, rubbing her fingers against her temples. "You thought Thanksgiving was crazy, this would be worse. Trust me, it's like a family reunion, everyone shows up."

"All families are crazy, baby." I tried to calm her down. "When is it?"

"Next week," she sighed.

"Great, I won't be busy that week and I can come with you," I smiled down at her.

I really didn't want to go to a birthday party or family reunion, I didn't even like my own. But, if she wanted to go, I wasn't going to spend a moment without her.

"It's in Mexico," she raised her eyebrows, like she was waiting for me to back down.

I nodded with a smile, "great, I love Mexico, we can spend some time there, like a mini vacation, it'll be fun."

"Why are you so determined to make me go, I don't like them. They're terrible people," she pouted. "But, I don't want Odie to go alone either and I do miss my grandpa."

I tried not to laugh as I watched her resolve dwindle down. She would do anything for Odette, her love for her was both her strength and weakness.

"I'm not giving up Disneyland, so," she huffed. "Don't even think about taking that away."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I chuckled, pulling her onto my lap.

"No, don't start, now we have to pack even more," she tried to pull away from me.

I laid back, pulling her with me as I attached my lips to hers, my hands traveling from her hips to her head, holding her in place. "We can go shopping before we go," I said, briefly breaking the kiss to speak before kissing her again.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now