I hadn't realized that Samara, Odette and Eva had gotten in the car with us until we were getting out of the car and headed towards the hospital. I also noticed that the rest of her family had also decided to come. I had half a mind to make them leave, but I didn't have time to waste, I needed to see Katarina.

Once the nurse at the front desk informed us what room she was in, we quickly made our way down the halls, much to her disapproval, only one person was allowed in at a time, but I wasn't about to wait in line to see her.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the door was a sling supporting Katarina's left arm, the boot on her right leg and the bandage above her right eyebrow. She offered a weak smile, she was clearly on some pain medication.

"What the hell happened?" I questioned as I got closer.

"There was a dog. I swerved. Dog's fine." She spoke in fractured sentences, her throat was dry and horse.

"You should get rid of those stupid motorcycles, they're death traps," Her mother spoke from behind me.

Katarina smiled, "I thought that would make you happy, mother. Then there would be no one left to remind you of your past."

"Don't be stupid," her mother quickly grew irritated.

"I'm quite smart," Katarina tried to sit up a little. "You loved Robbie. You love Odette. You hate me." I watched as the pain in her voice matched the pain in her eyes. "Please leave, take them with you." I turned to see who she was talking about. Nina, Natalie and Theo were standing in the back of the room, behind her mother.

Eventually, Victor ended up ushering them out, followed by Derek and Eva once they were sure, Katarina was okay. After they got her in trouble, Samara, Chris and Odette also left, leaving the two of us alone. By then she was fully awake and not so under the influence of the pain medication.

"You scared me," I spoke softly, brushing the hair away from her face.

"I'm sorry, I just had to get out of there," she spoke even softer. "I don't know what happened. One minute I was in the living room, the next I was swerving for a dog." She shook her head as though trying to clear her head.

I held her hand, "you're okay now. Well, relatively speaking."

She smiled weakly, her eyes seemed sleepy. "I'm sorry."

"I was so worried, I looked everywhere for you and I couldn't find you."

"I went to the park you took me to the first night we met."

"I should have checked there."

"Just take me home, I don't want to be here," she whined.

I nodded and headed to the nurses station to get her discharge papers. Once she was signed out, we left, heading back to her house. It was a long and tense ride back, since her mother insisted on riding with her. The three of us sat in the backseat, Katarina curled up to me as much as she could without hurting herself further.

Luckily, the pain medication helped her sleep through the night. I tried to stay awake for as long as I could, making sure she was sleeping well through the night, but sleep took over at about three in the morning. When I woke up again, my ears were filled with the sound of someone groaning in pain. It took awhile for it to register that it was Katarina, when it finally did, I sat up on the bed as quickly as I could.

"What's the matter?" My voice was still thick with sleep, my eyes stinging as I struggled to adjust them.

Katarina was sitting at the edge of the bed, her uninjured hand covering her hips.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now