Chapter 1

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Alright this is my first PROPER story I've ever written so I hope you like it

Check out the trailer on the side created by BabeVEVO


‘Avery Quinton please report to the Head Masters office immediately,’ an angry voice boomed from the PA.

I sighed looking up from where my head lay. What now? I haven’t done anything wrong . . . recently. I closed my eyes trying to think of why I would be called to the principal’s office. I started a food fight last week but the stupid prisses at this school turned me in, so cross that out. I ‘accidently’ spilled vinegar into the baking soda during Home Ec. and got detention. Mixed hot sauce into the soup in the caf? Nope already got busted. Ditched school and came back after curfew?  Everyone ditches school so that wouldn’t matter.

“Are you going or not Ms. Quinton?” A voice said breaking me from my thoughts. I heaved in defeat and decided to see what new story I’ve been accused of now.

“Yeah yeah one sec,” I mumbled lifting my head off the hard desk to face the voice. “Hey Miss. H, you wouldn’t happen to know why a great student like me was called to the Principals office, would ya?” I said as I moved to tangled hair out of the way to grin cheekily up at her.

“Maybe the Head Master’s finally kicking you out,” spoke the nasally voice of my favourite little hoe, “I mean this is an all girls boarding school. I guess he’s finally realised you’re not a girl,” she squawked laughing as a few of her minions joined in.

“It’s not very impressive if you laugh at your own joke,” I told her sceptically as I got up to stand by the door. “And Whitney darling, we can only hope I got kicked out of this school. That way I won’t have to deal with you and your whorish ways.”

Her lips thinned as she shot me an acid glare, “A whore, am I!” she squealed, “well that makes you—“

“Oh I’m sorry did I say whore?” I asked fiddling with the hem of my shirt keeping myself slightly entertained. “I didn’t mean whore. You’d have to sleep with someone to be called that, you’re more of an unemployed hooker.”

Her mouth hung open at my words as her eyes rounded into saucers and I knew I was done here. I turned to the silent teacher watching at the front with a small smile on her face. “Well if I am expelled which I highly doubt, I’m gonna miss you Miss. H.” And with that I gave a small wave to the class and a dazzling smile and turned to walk out the door.

In the hall I strolled mindlessly to the Principals office which was more like a second dorm to me, I’ve been there often enough. So what is it that I’ve done this time, I thought to myself. I mean I’ve only been here a couple of months and I’ve been trying to get kicked out since day one. I haven’t done anything to bad. I bit of property damage here and some vandalism there but nothing that wasn’t fixable. But still after all that the stupid Head Master refused to expel me. What does a girl need to do to get expelled!

When I reached the Head Masters office I didn’t bother to knock, there was no point. He knew I was coming and hey, I’m trying to get expelled right, so I might as well be rude about it.

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