The Monsters are Real...

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Sir!" Toast exclaimed, backing up into the street. Ghost rolled his eyes. Ghost suddenly had a weird feeling, but he kept it to himself. When they arrived they heard weird growling.

"Hello? Gertrude? Papa?" Ghost questioned, walking to the door. Toast joined Ghost at the door, ringing the bell. A large creature answered the door.

"GAHHHHH! Uh h-hi!" Ghost exclaimed, smiling nervously.

"Hi guys, come on in!" A voice much like Gertrude's told them. He looked at Toast, who just nodded. The pair walked in, following the creature into the living room.

"Just make yourselves at home dears!" Gertrude told them. They sat down, looking around curiously.

"Uh- so what seems to be the problem today?" Ghost asked formally.

"Well, you see, something went wrong. My family and I have been turned into humanized velociraptors." Gertrude sighed. Toast nodded, while Ghost tried to contain his laughs.

"It seems you do have a problem!" Toast exclaimed. Suddenly, two more people rushed in.

"Hey kids!" Gertrude greeted, waving (if that's what you call waving).

"Hi Momma!" Billy exclaimed, dashing into the room, closely followed by Sally.

"Interesting... it looks like a poltergeist's mutation device." Ghost told them.

"Oh! I know how to fix this!" Sally informed them, motioning to the back door. Ghost told Toast to meet him at the car. Toast left, leaving Ghost with the three velociraptors.

"Alright, well that will be 6 dollars." Ghost sighed holding out his hand.

"We're not going to pay you." Gertrude said sternly, growling.

"Why not?!"

"Because we solved it without you!"

"I told you what the problem was, and we used the gas to get all the way out here which costs money!" Ghost argued, clenching his fists.

"I think we should just eat him instead!" Sally suggested. Billy and Gertrude agreed, stalking towards Ghost.

"Hey hey hey! Don't even try!" Ghost growled, his eyes narrowing. He heard a voice. Let me out Johnny boy! It will be real quick I swear! Jimmy begged. Ghost ignored him, closing his eyes tightly. Suddenly, he felt a large amount of pain in his arm. He looked to see blood welling up on his sleeve, met with sharp teeth. He began to have a head ache. He noticed his hair color changing. B-blood... No!... Ghost thought, finally blacking out.

"H-hey guys! Come on, this isn't very nice!" Jimmy laughed, pulling out his knife as he put his hood down. He slashed at Billy's face, taking out one of his eyes. Billy screeched as Jimmy laughed maniacally. Jimmy stabbed Sally, her blood spraying all over his face and hoodie. Jimmy took a minute to lick the blood off of his lips. He pointed his knife at Gertrude, backing up. He walked out the door, putting his knife away. He walked to the car. He opened the door, sitting down next to Toast.

"Sir! What happened?!" Toast exclaimed, stopping when he noticed Ghost's hair color.

"N-nothing much Toaster! Just got in a little fight." Jimmy shrugged pulling out his knife, admiring it.

"Jimmy, you need to leave." Toast commanded, starting up the car. Jimmy grunted, unzipping his hoodie to reveal a loose crimson red V-neck.

"Heh, I'm not goin' anywhere Toast." Jimmy giggled, looking mischievously at Toast. Toast rolled his eyes, speeding down the road. The drive home was in silence, except for the quiet radio static. They pulled in. Jimmy began to laugh when he noticed the fence. Toast sighed as he walked up to the door.

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