Chapter 24 -- Hospital Round Dos

Start from the beginning

"Niall what's wrong?" Zayn asked as he walked towards me.

"Is she alive?" I asked and heard loud gasps from the lads.

"Ya she is, but she is in a lot of pain. Her whole body is severely bruised. He pushed her against a mirror and the glass shattered and a lot of it went into her head and she had to get quite a few stitches." she said.

My eyes started watering even more and sniffling.

"Don't cry Niall. She's alive and she is going to make it. Tell the other lads for me. I gotta run." she reassured me.

"I will. We're going to be in Cali in the morning and we'll head over to the hospital as soon as we can." I said.

"Okay see you then. Bye." she said.

I ended the call and stared at up at the boys.

"What did Emma say?" asked a worried Liam.

"Um..Well...Lola is in the hospital." I stuttered.

"What?!" they all screamed. Zayn walked closer to me and stared me down.

"Niall tell me what happened." he demanded.

"Well she was by herself tonight and Lance found her house some how and Emma said he almost beat her to death. And when she said death, she literally meant death. She found Lola laying in pool of blood. She also said Lance pushed her against a mirror causing the glass to shatter and go into her head so she had to get a lot of stitches. She also said her whole body is severely bruised." I explained, trying hard not to let the tears escape my eyes.

I looked up and saw Zayn stumble to his seat and he ended up falling to the ground. He buried his face into his eyes and cried. I instantly rushed to his side and sat down next to him and put my arms around his shoulders.

"Don't worry Zayn. She is alive and is recovering in the hospital." I said.

"This is all my fault. If I would have been there I could have protected her." he sobbed.

"Zayn Malik! This is not your fault. This isn't anyone's fault but Lance's. Even if you were there he could have waited for you to leave and then he could have beat her up." I said firmly..

"Flight 209 to Los Angeles is now boarding!" someone said over the speaker.

"Come on let's go lads." I said.

Lola's P.O.V.

I stayed at the hospital for three nights and by the fourth day I was definitely was ready to go home. I woke up and I sat up in my bed and picked at the hospital food sitting in my lap. It was about 9:30 at night and I just really wanted to be out of here. I placed the tray of food on to the table next to me and sighed. Suddenly I heard several voices outside of my room arguing. There was one voice in particular that caught my attention. It sounded like an Irish accent. Niall? I sat up farther and looked at the door. It slowly opened and I saw 4 figures walk into my room carrying roses and balloons.

"Oh my gosh!" I laughed.

"Hey Lo!" they all said.

I started laughing at the fact that they had brought me roses, balloons, and a teddy bear.

"Come here guys." I said while reaching my arms out for them. Liam walked in and hugged me, then Harry, then Louis, and last but not least Niall. I moved over so Niall could sit next to me and I pulled my feet up so the other 3 could sit at the end of my bed.

"I can't believe you guys are here." I smiled and took Harry's hand.

"We missed you so much Lola. And when we find out what happened we were crushed." Liam said. I smiled at him and took his hand as well.

Louis rubbed my leg "We also wanted to bring you all this stuff and tell you an awesome surprise." he said.

"Well thank you for all these gifts but I would much rather know the surprise!" I exclaimed.

"Well as you know, our tour is over and we are going home for a few weeks, but we all bought a flat together here in L.A and we decided to move here for a while. We're going to switch back and forth between countries." Harry said.

"Guys, why would you do that? You belong in the UK with your family." I said.

"You are our family Lola. We belong here with you too." Niall said.

I leaned into him and he kissed my head.

"You guys really want to leave England and move here?" I asked.

"Well were gonna live here for 3 months, then England, then come back here and so on." Harry explained.

"This is awesome! I can't believe it!" I laughed.

We all gathered for one big hug when I realized something.

"Guys, where's Zayn?" I asked.

"He said he couldn't bear seeing you like this so he decided not to come and he went back to the UK." Louis said.

My heart suddenly stopped and I felt a couple tears run down my cheeks.

"I miss him so much." I said.

"Aww Lo." Harry said and took my hand.

"Don't worry. Everything will work out." Liam said trying to reassure me.

A couple hours later I was able to leave. My parents signed the forms and the boys said they would take me home. My parents and Vera decided to go out anyways so it all worked out. Emma and Justin had gone away for the week so it was just me and the boys. We stopped at a jamba juice downtown and got some smoothies. We then took a drive around the beach and it seemed like the boys were trying to keep me distracted. Finally after like an hour after leaving the hospital we got back to my house. I slowly got out of the car and none of the boys followed me.

"Are you guys coming?" I asked.

"Sorry Lola. We have to head to the studio. See you later." Liam said and drove off.

It was hard for me to walk, but I managed. So I basically hobbled to the door, and walked in. Home sweet home, all by myself. I walked into the kitchen and freaked because I thought I heard someone open the door but it just turned out to be my cat Bear.

"Hi Bear." I said and scratched his back.

I leaned over the island to grab an apple in the basket but when I went to grab it, I saw a familiar necklace sitting on the counter. I picked it up and stared at it. It was the necklace Zayn had gave me. His lucky ying yang necklace. How the hell did this get here? As I was staring at the necklace, I heard a strange noise and quickly spun around to see Zayn standing in my doorway.

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