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Chapter 13

Leah's POV

"What the fucking hell?!" Someone yelled, my eyes fluttering open. I turned my head and saw Calum and Michael. Both of them with disgusted and confusing faces. "What the fuck happened?!"

Michael ran his hands over his face, through his hair and rested them in the back. "Leah, put some fucking clothes on! And Luke," he stopped and pointed at Luke, who was laying right beside me, "I need a word with you."

Both boys stormed out and then I realized exactly why they were freaking out. I was laying on my stomach, the blanket barely covering my bottom but not my legs. Luke was also laying on his stomach except there was no blanket over him so with his butt was just... there.

I sat up quickly, wrapping my nude body with the blanket, searching for my clothes. Luckily it was the corner of the bed in a pile. I began to change while Luke just laid there.

"Great," he mumbled, "now I'm getting my ass kicked by your boyfriend." I felt my heart sink once he said that. Maybe he was just in a bad mood because we were both hung over but he didn't have to accuse me of anything.

"He's not my boyfriend," I spat back, climbing over Luke's body and throwing myself on the floor in search of my shoes.

"Yeah, whatever."

I scoffed, "You know you could be a bit nicer, after all we did only have drunken sex last night."

He cover his body with the blanket and sat up, "Maybe I'd be in a better mood if your boyfriend didn't just wake us up."

"Along with your best friend!" I yelled back, tugging at my hair. "Do you just want to fight after last night?" He stood quiet and threw himself on the bed. It made me question what even happened last night.

It was the second time we've done anything and both times, we were drunk. It frustrated me that we kept doing that but couldn't be clear with our feelings. Sure we were drunk and said some things, but why was he acting so rude all of a sudden? Was last night some test to see if he really liked me and then decided he actually didn't?

I slipped my shoes on and stood up, looking right at the door. I could leave at this moment and come back when he was feeling better, or I could get everything cleared up. If I left, he would have some time to think of another plan to hurt me but if I bothered him now, he'd have to tell me the truth because there is no way he would come up with an excuse.

Without turning, I spoke, "Do you even like me at all?" He stood quiet. A tear slipped down my cheek and that's when I lost it. "Of course not. This was some stupid test to see if you liked me. But you don't. You used me for the second time! You don't care how I feel because you're selfish Luke. I hate you and I don't want to speak with you ever again!"

I walked straight to the door before he spoke, "No, Leah! I'd never hurt-"

"Don't." I twisted the door knob and opened the door. I turned one last time before shutting the door, this time tears were flowing out of my eyes, "Don't bother speaking to me again." I slammed the door shut and ran out of his room.

I should've never trusted Luke. Not from the minute he began being friendly after the first time. I shouldn't have egged him on last night and certainly not have hooked up with him again. I thought for once we could just share how we truly feel about each other but I was wrong. He had other intentions and he succeeded in hurting me.

I ran past Michael and Calum who kept yelling at me to come back. Thank god I had brought my skateboard last night and left it by his door. I wasn't about to run away from two six foot boys who could easily catch up to me.

Throwing the board to the floor, I hopped on and skated fast as every second passed until I was a good speed. I wanted to get away from Luke and Calum. I'd probably call Michael or he'd catch up with me in his skateboard, but I didn't want to see any of the other two boys.

It was times like this that made me miss my brother. Especially when my dad shows up after years of disappearance. And it doesn't make it any better that he basically explained how he left us to his new wife and three kids. How he started another family without even caring about his other three children. How my brother had to step up and be a dad figure for Emily and me.

I skated down unfamiliar streets but I didn't care. Not even the fact that half of the time, my eyes were watery and my face was stained with tears. Not even that my hair was a mess and stuck to my wet face. Not even when I fell and my head hit the pavement first. I didn't care. It didn't hurt as much as Luke using me.

Luke used me. And my dad started a new family. My life was pretty great right now. All my life, I waited for the day that my dad would come back to us to stay and the day Luke realized I would treat him so much better than the girls he's dated. But that day would never come, because my dad has a new family to support, and Luke, well, he's the old Luke.

And in this moment all I want to do is hide away for some time, but I know eventually I'll find my happiness. I'll continue to do what I normally do. Wait.

a/n short update. And I have orientation for college tomorrow so don't know when I'll update because it's for four days. Sucks when I'll start because I'll never have time to update :-( xx

Leah... / Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now