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The year was 1993 and Ed and Beth were at an interview. They also brought Kurt along. Interviewer: Have you seen any re-runs of your interview lately? Me: No, thank God!! Ed: She usually doesn't like watching those. Me: We haven't seem them around here in LA at least. *Kurt was sitting on the end of the couch and when Beth looked over he was smiling and waving at the audience.* Kurt: Hi! Me: Aww! Interviewer: He's got his own little talk show going on over there! *Kurt had started dancing around, which the audience loved* Do you want us to play some music Kurt?? Kurt nodded and the sound people started playing music. Kurt stopped dancing and stared at the camera. Me: Kurt don't you want to dance? The music stopped and then Kurt started dancing around again. Ed: Haha! When we came in for the interview I asked what Kurt should wear and they said that what he's wearing is ok. They love him back there! Me: Probably 'cus he looks like you! Interviewer: Edward, do you ever take your wife golfing with you? Ed: No, she hates it. Me: I swear if I manage to hit the ball, it only goes five feet in front of me! That's all it goes!! I usually just watch Ed. *Kurt was still dancing and waving to the audience* Interviewer: We have to go to commercial now. Kurt do you want to say goodbye to them? Kurt: *Smiling and waving while in his adorable little four year old voice* Bye!!!!!

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now