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The year was 1998 and Van Halen was on tour with Gary Cherone as their new singer. Beth and Kurt went along with them. The guys were just about to go on stage and Eddie had been drinking a lot. Ed: Hey Al can you toss me a beer. Al: I think you've had enough Ed. We have to go onstage in a few minutes. Ed: But I want a beer! Loudspeaker: Van Halen to stage in 5 minutes please. Kurt: Daddy are you going to go play your guitar for those people? Ed: Yes I am Kurt. Gary can you get me a beer?! Gary: No Ed, we have to go on stage. Loudspeakers: Van Halen to stage please. Beth: Have fun guys! Give daddy a hug Kurt. Kurt: Bye daddy! Have fun! *The guys went on stage to a roaring crowd, but Ed almost fell over because he was so drunk. He kept drinking on stage throughout the show. It was about halfway through the show Eddie did his solo. The crowd was going nuts. Eddie was running back and forth while he was playing. All of the sudden he fell over. Paramedics rushed out on stage and the crowd was silent. Beth: Eddie!! Let me go out there! Security: I'm sorry we can't let you out there. Beth: He's my husband!! Kurt: Daddy! Security: We'll let you know how he's doing when we get an update. Kurt: Mom, is daddy dead? Beth: Uh, Kurt I don't know right now. We'll just have to wait. *A few minutes later they stopped the show and brought Ed backstage on a stretcher. The doctors decided to bring him to a hospital. The next day.* Ed: What happened? Beth: You passed out because you were drunk. Kurt: Daddy you're alive!! Ed: Did you think I was dead? Kurt: It looked like it. Daddy don't do that again. Ok? Ed looked at me. Ed: Ok

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